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NAME             TIME    ZONE  LOCALE COST             PURPOSE

Adder's Tongue   Sp      Te    Ru     5gp/15gp         anti-infection
Adgana           Sp      Te    Ru     10gp/500gp       raises attributes
Agrimony         Su      Te    Fo     2gp/8gp          bruises, sprains
Aldaka           Wi      Cd    Mo     100gp/1000gp     blindness
Alether          Sp/Su   Te    Ru     10gp/100gp       combat skills
Alkanet          Su      Te    Ru     2gp/2gp          antidote
All-Heale        Au      Te    Fo     2gp/10gp         healing
Aloe             Au/Wi   Te    Gr     5cp/5cp          healing, burns
Amrans           Sp      Te    Ri/Ru  50gp/50gp        healing
Angelica         Su      Te    Mo     5sp/1gp          coughing
Anise            Su      Te    Ru     1gp/1gp          cures hiccups
Anserke          Su      Tr    Co     75gp/75gp        bleeding
Archangelica     Su      Te    Sw     5sp/5sp          colds, flu
Arfandas         Au/Wi   Cd    Ri     2sp/3sp          fractures
Arkasu           Au      Te    Gr     12gp/12gp        healing
Arlan            Au      Cd    Gr     20sp/20sp        healing
Arnica           Su      Te/Cd Mo     1gp/1gp          bruising
Arnuminas        Au      Te    Gr     6gp/6gp          tissue damage
Arpusar          Au      Cd    Ri     7gp/30gp         muscle damage
Asarabacca       Sp      Te    Fo     3gp/7gp          renders docile
Ash              Sp      Te    Fo     5gp/8gp          fevers, snakebite
Ashline          Wi/Sp   Te    Mo     50gp/500gp       petrification
Athelas          Au      Te    Fo     200gp/200gp      ???
Atigax           Wi      Te    Gr     40gp/70gp        protects eyesight
Attanar          Au/Wi   Te    Gr     8gp/8gp          fevers
Balm             Su      St    Fo     3gp/5gp          menstrual pains
Barberry         Su      Te    Ru     4gp/9gp          liver disorders
Base Mullein     Al      Te    Ru     10sp/10sp        burns
Basil            Su      Te    Ru     3sp/3sp          antidote
Bastit           Al      Te    All    3sp/3sp          repels insects
Belan            Su      Tr    Co     40gp/40gp        bleeding
Belramba         Su      Te    Fo     60gp/180gp       nerve damage
Bilberry         Sp      Te    Fo     500gp/3000gp     infravision
Birthnot         Al      Te    Hi     2cp/2cp          contraceptive
Bishop's Weed    Su      Te    Ru     4gp/10gp         plague
Bittermourn      Wi      Po    All    1000gp and up    longevity
Blackberry       Sp      Te    Ru     1gp/1gp          bleeding
Blackroot        Su      Te    All    4gp/4gp          healing
Black Rose       Sp/Su   Te    All    100gp/100g       liquid absorption
Bloodkeep        Sp      Te    Co     4sp/4sp          bleeding
Borage           Sp      Te    Fo     1gp/10gp         fever
Breldiar         Sp      Te    Vo     50 gp/50gp       alters perception
Bull-Rush        Al      Te/St Sw     2sp/3sp          sleep
Burdock          Sp      Te    Ru     10gp/30gp        syphilis
Bursthelas       Su      Te    Gr     110gp/1000gp     fractures
Caffar           Su/Au   Tr    De     10gp/10gp        psi enhancement
Calamus          Sp/Su   Te    Sw     5gp/15gp         restores hearing
Calcena Mushroom Al      All   Un     100gp/1000gp     hallucinogenic
Callin           Au      Te    Ju     5gp/25gp         heart attacks
Cat's Tail       Su      Te    Fo     1gp/3gp          heals heels
Cephalophage     Al      Te    Sp     100gp/100gp      see description
Chamomile        Sp/Su   Te    Ru     2gp/3gp          calming effect
Chervil          Al      Te    Fo     10gp/10gp        dissolve clots
Cinquefoil       Su      Te    Ru     10gp/15gp        aphrodisiac
Colewort         Sp/Su   Te    Fo     6sp/6sp          sobriety
Coltsfoot        Sp/Su   Te    Mo     2gp/4gp          anti-infection
Comfrey          Sp      Te    Ru     4gp/10gp         fractures
Cow Parsnip      Al      Te    Fo     3gp/10gp         madness
Cow-Wheat        Su      Te    Gr     2gp/3gp          intoxication
Culkas           Al      Tr    De     35gp/35gp        sunburn
Dagmather        Su      Te    Gr     6gp/28gp         tissue damage
Dainaberry       Au      Te    Ri     2gp/8gp          induces sleep
Darnell          Au      Te    Fo     3gp/7gp          dims sight
Darsurion        Wi      Cd    Mo     3sp/3sp          healing
Deadly-NightshadeSu      Te    Fo     4gp/8gp          sleep
Degiik           Su      Tr    Co     100gp/100gp      maintains life
Delrean          Wi      Te    Fo     3sp/3sp          repels insects
Dittany          Su/Au   Te    Ri     1gp/5gp          anti-infection
Dog Rose         Su/Au   Te    Ru/Ur  1sp/10sp         prevents scurvy
Draaf            Sp      St    Co     5sp/5sp          healing
Dragontears      Sp      Te    De     100gp/100gp      healing
Dragonwort       Sp      Cd    Mo     100gp/300gp      smallpox, plague
Dwarf Mallow     Sp      Te    Sw     1gp/3gp          beestings
Ebur             Sp      Te    Co     22gp/22gp        healing
Edram            Wi      Cd    Ri     30gp/30gp        fractures
Eldaas           Sp/Su   Te    Co     2gp/4gp          nausea
Elecampane       Wi/Sp   Te    Ru     1sp/1sp          induces vomiting
Elvish Galingale Sp/Su   Po    Fo     1gp/2gp          raise bloodflow
Entriste         Su      St    De     25gp/25gp        antidote
Falsifal         Sp      Te    Sw     3gp/3gp          burns, blood loss
Febfendu         Wi      Cd    Ri/Co  90gp/900gp       deafness
Felmather        Sp      Te    Co     10gp/10gp        awaken
Fennel           Au      Te    Ru     5sp/1gp          relieves hunger
Fetherfew        Su      Te/St Fo     2gp/4gp          vertigo
Fire-Flower      Su      St/Tr Mo     1000gp/1000000gp healing
Floure-De-Luce   Al      Te    Gr     3gp/10gp         bruises
Footleaf         Sp/Su/AuTe    Ru     10sp/10sp        protects feet
Fumitore         Sp/Su   Cd/Te Co     3gp/6gp          hair prevention
Gallowbrush      Wi      Te    Ru     10gp/50gp        induces sleep
Garden Flax      Sp/Su   Te    Fo     3gp/6gp          pain removal
Gariig           Su      Tr    De     55gp/70gp        healing
Gefnul           Su      Po    Vo     200gp/500gp      healing
Goat's Rue       Su      Te    Fo     6gp/15gp         antidote
Golden Crown     Sp      St    Ru     1gp/2gp          bleeding
Golden Lungwort  Su      Te/St Fo     1gp/2gp          heals ears
Guardseye        Al      Cd    Gr     100gp/100gp      detect life
Gylvir           Au      Te    Co     100gp/100gp      breathe water
Hare's Ears      Su      Te    Mo     2gp/5gp          skin disease
Harfy            Su      Te    Gr     150gp/150gp      bleeding
Hart's Tongue    Al      Te    Fo     2gp/2gp          lowers libido
Hawkweed         Al      Te    Fo     4gp/6gp          improves eyesight
Healwell         Su      Te    All    1sp/1sp          healing
Henbane          Su/Au   Te    Ru     1gp/3gp          antidote
Horehound        Su      Te    Co     1gp/5gp          antidote
Horseweed        Sp/Su/AuTe    Gr     7gp/7gp          strengthen horse
Ironhard         Su/Au   Te    Hi     15gp/15gp        hardens skin
Jaffray          Su      Tr    De     10gp/15gp        antidote
Jinab            Al      St    Ru     5gp/7gp          keeps awake
Jojojopo         Au      Po    Mo     9sp/9sp          frostbite
Juniper          Su      Te/St Mo     4gp/4gp          relieve muscles
Kathkusa         Wi      Po    Wa     50gp/50gp        raise strength
Kelventari       Al      Te    Fo     19gp/19gp        burns
Kilmakur         Su      Te    Gr     65gp/300gp       fire protection
Klagul           Su      Te    Gr     30gp/50gp        infravision
Kylathar         Su/Au   St    Fo     20gp/20gp        alters attributes
Laishaberries    Su/Au   Cd    Fo     20gp/40gp        heal/ disease
Land Caltrops    Su      Tr    Fo     2gp/5gp          snakebite
Larnurma         Sp      Te    Ru     10gp/100gp       ease pain/ heal
Laumspur         Sp      Te    Fo     100gp/500gp      heal
Leopard's Bane   Su      Te    Gr     5gp/5gp          poison animals
Lesser Centaury  Su      Te/Cd Mo     5gp/5gp          antidote
Lungwort         Sp      Te    Ru     1gp/3gp          relieves lungs
Makebate         Al      Tr/St De     1gp/2gp          scorpion stings
Mandrake         Sp      Te    Fo     3gp/5gp          sleep
Marigold         Sp/Su   Te    Ru/Ur  2gp/10gp         antiseptic
Marjerome        Al      Te    Gr     2gp/6gp          jaundice
Marsh Mallow     Al      Te    Co     5gp/8gp          burns
Maruera          Sp/Su   St/Tr Mo     50gp/100gp       breathing
Masterwort       Su      Te    Ru     2gp/7gp          plague
Megillos         Wi      Cd    Mo     1gp/3gp          improves eyesight
Melander         Wi      Cd    Ri     12sp/20sp        disease resist
Milkworte        Sp/Su   Te    Ru     4gp/8gp          cholera
Mirenna          Wi      Cd    Mo     10gp/10gp        healing
Mountain Garlick Al      Te/Cd Mo     8gp/9gp          repels spirits?
Mountain Setwall Al      Te    Mo     1gp/3gp          hair growth
Mugwort          Su      Te    Ru     2gp/4gp          prevents collapse
Napweed          Sp      Te    Ru     1gp/1gp          poison protection
Navew            Wi      St/Tr Ri     4gp/12gp         antidote
Nightcall        Su      Tr    De     50gp/50gp        enhances senses
Oede             Sp      Te    Ru     1000gp/1000gp    ???
Oiolosse         Wi      Po    Fo     1200gp/1200gp    see description
Olus Veritis     Wi      Te/Cd Ri     5gp/10gp         compels truth
Olvar            Wi      Po    Co     300gp/300gp      prevents death
Orach            Su      Te    Fo     2gp/10gp         jaundice
Pallast          Su      Te    Sw     5sp/1gp          pain relief
Palma Eldath     Al      Cd/Po Mo     3gp/3gp          warmth
Pargen           Su      Tr    Ju     2000gp/2000gp    resurrection
Pattran          Su      Te    Fo     10gp/10gp        induces sleep
Pennyroyal       Sp      Te    Ru/Ur  3gp/3gp          insect repellent
Peony            Sp      Te    Ru     1gp/2gp          healing
Periwinkle       Sp      Te    Ru     1gp/10gp         bleeding
Petiveria        Su      St/Tr Ru     1gp/3gp          swelling/bruising
Prince's Feather Su/Au   Te    Ru     1gp/2gp          bleeding
Rampalt          Su      Te    Fo     5cp/5cp          congestion
Rewk             Au      Te    Ru     9sp/1gp          healing
Ribwort Plantain Sp      Te/St Ur     1gp/1gp          bruising
Rose Campion     Su      Te    Fo     1gp/3gp          scorpion stings
Rue              Su      Te    Ru     1gp/1gp          antidote
Sabito           Su      Tr    Co     100gp/500gp      breathing
Saddilia         Su/Au   Te    Gr     100gp/300gp      raises attributes
Saffron          Au/Wi   Te    Fo     20gp/100gp       raises attributes
Sanicle          Au/Su/WiTe    Fo     5gp/30gp         bleeding
Saracen Confound Su      Te    Ru     1gp/20gp         fevers
Scented Mayweed  Su      Te    Fo     8gp/15gp         blindness
Serapias Turbith Sp/Su   Te    Gr     4gp/7gp          healing
Sessali          Au/Sp/SuSt    Co     1gp/4gp          antidote
Shepherd's Purse Al      Te    Gr     5gp/12gp         bleeding
Silverthorn      Al      Te    Mo     1000gp/10000gp   antidote
Sinquoi          Su      St    Ru     2gp/3gp          dilates time
Snakespike       Sp      Te    Co     5gp/7gp          inflammation
Spanish Nut      Al      Te/St Fo     10gp/100gp       aphrodisiac
Spiderwort       Sp/Su   Te    Sp     4gp/10gp         spider bites
Spring Adonis    Sp      Cd    Mo     3gp/8gp          relieves heart
Strawberry       Su      Te    Ru     2gp/2gp          leprosy
Suaeysit         Au      Cd    Fo     10gp/50gp        energy
Sweet Trefoile   Sp/Su   Te    Fo     1gp/3gp          falling damage
Tai-Gi           Su      St    Ru     2gp/3gp          enhances senses
Tamarindes       Al      Tr    Fo     1gp/2gp          quenches thirst
Tamariske        Al      Te    Ru     5gp/7gp          anti-infection
Tateesha         Al      St    Sw     1sp/10gp         raises int
Tempin           Su      Te    Fo     5gp/5gp          antidote
Tephrosia        Sp/Su/AuTr    Co     2gp/3gp          calming effect
Terbas           Sp      Te    Fo     2gp/2gp          nerve damage
Teriko Weed      Sp/Su   St    Ru     2gp/3gp          contraceptive
Thorn Apple      Sp/Su   Te/St Ru     1gp/1gp          pain relief
Throw-Waxe       Sp/Su   Te    Fo     2gp/3gp          scarring
Thurl            Au      Te    Fo     1sp/2sp          healing
Thyme            Sp      Te/Cd Ru     2gp/5gp          antiseptic
Ur               Wi      Te    Gr     3gp/3gp          food substitute
Valerian         Sp      Te    Gr     1gp/2gp          eases fits
Vinuk            Su      Te    Gr     8sp/8sp          awaken
White Bryony     Au      Te    Fo     1gp/2gp          pneumonia
Whitecandle      Au      Te/St Fo     5gp/5gp          pain relief
Willow-Herb      Su      Te    Fo     5gp/5gp          snake repellent
Winclamit        Sp      Te    Fo     100gp/100gp      healing
Wolfsbane        Su/Au   Te    Hi     20gp/40gp        lycanthropy
Wolfsbane (whole)Su      Te    Fo     100gp/100gp      antidote
Woodrose         Su      Te    Ri     1gp/1gp          makes merry
Wood Sorrel      Su/Au   Tr    De     2gp/4gp          cools
Wormwood         Sp      Te    Ru     2gp/2gp          antiseptic
Yaran            Au      Te    Gr     8sp/8sp          enhances senses
Yarrow           Su      Te    Ru     10gp/10gp        bleeding
Yavethalion      Au      Te    Co     45gp/45gp        healing
Young Lad's Love Su/Au   Te/St Fo     1gp/1gp          frostbite
Zulsendra        Su      Tr    Un     70gp/70gp        increase move
Zur              Wi      Cd    Un     12gp/50gp        enhances senses

Sp  Spring                         Gr  Grassland
Su  Summer                         Hi  Hills
Wi  Winter                         Ju  Jungle
Au  Autumn                         Mo  Mountains
Al  Always                         Ri  Rivers
Tr  Tropical                       Ru  Rural
St  Subtropical                    Sp  Special
Te  Temperate                      Sw  Swamp
Cd  Cold                           Un  Underworld
Po  Polar                          Ur  Urban
Co  Coastal                        Vo  Volcanoes
De  Desert                         Wa  Wasteland
Fo  Forest                         All All

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