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There is an acknowledgments section at the end of this guide where you can find a list (unfortunately, it may be incomplete) of the people who have helped to make this guide, possible, through such tasks as editing, playtesting, and contributing herbs. If you like this guide, the credit must go to all these people.
I believe that there are three people however who are worthy of my special thanks, and I would like to mention them here (in no particular order).
The first of these is Ezra Van Everbroek. Ezra produced a hypertext version of the fourth edition of this guide, and also hosted it. This document allowed people to jump from place to place in the guide, and to find information easily. This website appears to be the place that those who found out about the guide through the web, most often obtained their information from. Creating such a large hypertext document can't have been an easy task and I salute and thank Ezra for undertaking such a task.
The second person is Druann Pagliasotti. Shortly after the third edition of this guide went out over e-mail, Druann sent a list of new herbs adapted to the guides format to the ADND-L list. I contacted Druann and was kindly given permission to include these herbs in the fourth edition of the guide. Furthermore, Druann sent me a list of suggestions and clarifications to many of the herbs that I had already included in the guide, and suggestions on the long term storage and availability of herbs for purchase. There would have been a fourth edition of the guide without Druann's contributions, but it would have been a shadow of what it became.
Last, but by no means least, I would also like to single out Maya Deva Kniese for special thanks. Maya contributed some herbs to this edition of the guide, but more importantly contributed a number of ideas, the most significant of which is the revised Herbalism proficiency (see Appendix A). Again, without Maya's contribution, I would have done a 5th edition, but there is no way it would have been as complete or as (I hope) good.
These special thanks are not intended to diminish the contributions of other people to this guide. Everyone who is listed in the acknowledgments section contributed and deserves their place there. I simply feel that the three people listed above were worthy of special recognition. All these contributors share the responsibility and the credit for anything you like about this guide. Any criticisms, errors or dislikes that you have are solely my responsibility.
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HTML designed by Cynthia Higginbotham © 1998
Guide written by Shaun Hately © 1997