It seems I was a pretty popular guy in Japan; yours truly shows up in a lot of Japanese fan manga, aka doujinshii. Now if only I could read Japanese...
This feathered serpent person is actually working on learning to read Japanese, but I've got a long way to go. Don't ask me to translate anything, because right now I'm about at "Hello, I am Yamada. This is my friend, Ms. Tanaka"...
Yeah, well, we've got the following:
Monkey Business, from Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta (back cover) - Not only do people keep taking my clothes off, you wouldn't believe who they have me taking my clothes off with! (No, I'm not going to tell you, either).
Sefurun Second Hand/DB Book 10, from "Ryomizuki's E-bay Ads" - the shot of me in a bathrobe just leaves me speechless. (thumbnail)
Gefahr Planet, from "Ryomizuki's E-bay Ads"? - I rather like the look of Bardock and all his descendants in Saiyan armor, but we all look much too cheerful to be from one of those "Vegetasei never blew up" Alternate Universes.
Radittsu's Anime Playground - I imagine we might have looked like this if Bardock had been sent to Earth and hit his head, instead...
Lavender Vol 5 (panel), from "Ryomizuki's E-bay Ads" - This one puzzles the hell out of me: note Mirai Trunks is apparently watching my father Bardock during his last moments on Vegetasei, which is curious enough, but explicable; the kid does have a time machine, after all. But what the hell am I doing there, and who am I talking to? Mirai Trunks?
I have no idea where this one came from, nor am I quite sure if I'm showering or just out in the rain... undressed.
Monkey Business, from Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta - I'm not sure who I've got slung over my shoulder here, but I think it's young Vegeta. Something about this scene suggests that I may be saving his life...
Donated by Isabel - Ouzaru ain't pretty, but it's power, pure power!
From "Ryomizuki's E-bay Ads" - And then there's the opposite of ouzaru power -- chibis!
This one is of particular interest because we have access to the entire doujinshii. Eventually, we'll have scans of the various stories within, and even later, translations. (Someone tell the feathered serpent to get back to her Japanese studies, ne? I'd like to know just what I was arguing with my father about, and what Zarbon was saying... and was that Uranea Baba my father met?)
Donated by Eva. Let's just say.. I find this interesting. *Chuckle*
As for the story behind this, well, I'll let the charming Eva, who is
one of my, er, admirers, explain it...
Eva: From what I can make out of the story: Bardock is looking for Radditz. He meets him. They have some amusing expressions on their faces as they speak in Japanese. Radditz draws his sword and attacks Bardock, slicing up his armour. Bardock passes out, and wakes up in a little... hut? with Radditz. They say something else, and Radditz gives Bardock a shirt (since his armour is in ruins) (you can see the pic were Bardock puts the shirt on and realises what's on the front). Bardock flies off looking annoyed while Radditz laughs.
(I have a partial translation of the Japanese on file, but I need to get better scans to get the whole thing done. Thanks to Animechick's friend Trysomethingnew01 for the partial translation.)
We get our first look at Radditz (Bardock looks like he crashed to the ground in shock or something...) (thumbnail)
Isn't he cute?! (thumbnail)
There seems to be some serious disagreement here... (thumbnail)
Bardock's dialog is unfortunately cut off and unreadable.
Raditz: What the hell did you do? These idiots were so greedy that they chose to be ruled and raised to be the bad guys, and spend the rest of life crawling in blood. And they go down to hell like that.. What pride are you talking about? Including me, Saiyans are.... (rest cut off)
Raditz: "Screw you, old man!"
Radditz takes his sword out and swings it at Bardock; that disagreement got pretty fierce. (thumbnail)
Raditz: My father should always be bound as Saiyan.. forever..
Bardock just joined the club... albeit without meaning to. He doesn't seem too thrilled.
Most of these images were taken from E-bay ads for the doujinshii in question. There's a lot of interesting doujinshii for sale on E-bay. The rest are credited as to the site the images were borrowed from, either with permission or in accordance with their re-use policy. Others were donated directly to me.
Copyright 2000-2003 by Dragoness Eclectic
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2003