You're right, this isn't me. This is my father, Bardock. Now do you see how I could recognize Kakarrot right off? They could have been twins -- or, father and son. Heh. Especially since Namek...
Bardock's Team: from left to right, Panboukin, Toma, Totepo (behind), Celipa (in front), and Bardock.
Celipa, the one woman on father's team. I think she and Toma were close, and she was always fun to be around. At least, she put up with a lot of nonsense from me when I was a young punk of a kid.
That's Toma, Bardock's second-in-command in the left foreground. Celipa's in the center background, and that's Panboukin to the right.
Toma, at his best. The man had to beat 'em off with a stick...
Battered, half-dead and alone, he went after Frieza. I think Kakarrot takes after him.
What went through his mind before he took on that monster? He had to know he was going to die, but still he faced Frieza.
I.. remember this. Father.. and his team.. in Hell. That's Celipa in the left fore, Toma in the rear, and father--Bardock--on the right
Copyright 2000-2003 by Dragoness Eclectic
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2003