Home > Writings > Dragoness Eclectic's Palm Docs

All the DOCS are now in generic Doc format, so no matter what your PDA reader program, you should be able to read them. I am starting to add iSilo versions, particularly for those authors who use lots of formatting (italics, bold, etc), as iSilo seems to be one of the most popular document readers for stuffing webpages and other formatted documents into your Palm. The "Author" column includes a link to the author's home page, if one is available. (For my fics, just click on the "Writings" link at the top of the page).

Please note: All fics are the property of their respective authors; do not re-distribute them (submit to a public archive, circulate on a mailing list, post them on your web-page, etc.) without the author's permission. All fics on this page are posted with the written permission of the author. If you want to re-distribute them, don't ask me for permission unless it's one of my stories; ask the actual author.

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DBZ Fanfics

My Own Fanfics & Related Stories

Welcome to Hell, SonDragoness Eclectic15KDocwelcome.pdb
Why? & Why Me?Dragoness Eclectic16KDocwhy.zip
Raditz's ReturnDragoness Eclectic99KDocrreturn.zip
Mythic DescentDragoness Eclectic458KDocdescent.zip
Looking Forward, Looking BackDragoness Eclectic5KDoclookback.pdb
One Who Wronged MeDragoness Eclectic12KDoconewrong.pdb
Saiyan Son LostDragoness Eclectic23KDocsonlost.zip
In Past RegretsDragoness Eclectic52KDocpastregret.pdb
Yamucha's StudentDragoness EclecticNADocComing Soon
Van Vogt's CatDragoness Eclectic39KDocvvcat.pdb
Closer to the HeartRebecca the Hyper Angel6KDocclosertotheheart.pdb

Dragonball Super-Z Stories

Walk This WorldJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma82KDocwalkthisworld.zip
Dead SoulsJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma64KDocdeadsouls.zip
Just Another DayJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma59KDocjustaday.zip
Walking on the SunJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma51KDocwotsun.zip
FreshmenJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma58KDocfresh.zip
Dead Man's PartyJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma65KDocparty.zip
Night Flight & Night ThoughtsJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma14KDocnite.zip
Moment WithinMirai Bulma4KDocmoment.pdb
Enough to HealMirai Bulma4KDocheal.pdb
It's Alright, It's OKJuuhachigo11KDocalright.pdb
Things I Want To Forget & MachineheadJuuhachigo16KDocearly.zip
Broken & Human BehaviorJuuhachigo & Mirai Bulma26KDocj17.zip

Vejiitasei Ascendant by Jeanne Burch

Doc versions of Vejiitasei Ascendant will be returned soon now that the originals are now freely available from Jeanne's own website.

The Young Prince100KiSiloyoungprinceI.zip
The Chikyuu Contaminant386KiSilochikyuuI.zip
Birth of the Super-Saiyan: Part 1279KiSilobss_part1I.zip
Birth of the Super-Saiyan: Part 2 (to Chapter 29)167KiSilobss_part2I.zip

Other Selected Fics

Dominion:RepriseSSJ Trinity385KDocdominion.zip
Not As Stupid As They LookManzai202KDocnasatl.zip

Document Readers

Note that all of the following are available from PalmGear H.Q., along with lots of other things for PDAs. Also note that all the shareware listed also has either a freeware "Lite" version available, or you can download a limited-use "Demo" version--sometimes both.

Tools I use for making conversions:

Doc Toolkit (dtk)
A very nice Linux utility that takes text or HTML or tagged text input and spits out public Doc or TealDoc formatted docs. Uses Pyrite library and, like most Linux Palm utils, depends on the pilot-link library. See the CQ Codeworks website for details. If you are a Windows user, there are several text-to-doc conversion utilities for Windows. Check out PalmGear HQ for a variety of them.
iSilo386 is the Linux command-line conversion utility for iSilo, a nice shareware document reader that preserves HTML formatting. Conversion utilities for other OS are available on their website, including BSD, Windows, and DOS.
A Perl script that cleans up the dog-barf MS Word vomits up when exporting your document to HTML or text format. (Don't use MS Word as your HTML editor if you value the integrity of your web page. Please!)
A handy little program written in C and compilable on the platform of your choice (there are Windows and Linux binaries available) that can do all kinds of useful clean-up and fix-ups on your HTML code. Read the web page for instructions, though; it has a LOT of command-line options. Several web page editors have integrated support for using Tidy: Notetab and Notetab Lite under Windows, Bluefish under Linux, and others--see the web page. I use this ALL the time.

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