High Guard Designs
[ Traveller | Designs | High Guard Designs | Scout Service | Military Ships | Auxiliary & Merchant Ships ]
Capital Ships | Escorts | Riders | Fighters | Fortifications |
These ships are the backbone of a navy fleet, no matter whether your doctrine calls for battlegroups centered on one large capital ship and several smaller ones plus a swarm of escorts, or squadrons of identical capital ships. In Traveller, they are also traditionally the only starships capable of carrying spinal-mount weapons.
BB-12/200k Charles X BB-0001 Charles X BB-S1367F4-400100-80Q08$-0 MCr173002.7 200kT batt bear 7 1 @% (@=91, %=29) Crew=1946 batt A 1 #& (#=140, &=45) TL=12 Pass=0. Low=1946 (frozen watch). Cargo=266.05. Fuel=73565. EP=13565. Agility=6. Marines=130. Scoops. Pure. Backup Mod- el/6fib. *TS* NOTE: $ is 450 triple missile turrets configured for 45 batteries of anti-missile fire. Drop tanks 60kT (1 jump-3). Actual PP-6.7825 (40695 tons, MCr122085).
SP-1 Serendipity SP-2 Glory SP-3 Surprise SPa-V9323F4-890106-87Q09-0 MCr200766 500.000 tons btty (bear) Particle-Q 1 (1) Crew=4507* Sandcaster-9 75 (38) Repulsor-6 98 (49) B-laser-8 60 (30) Plasma-7 60 (30) Missile-8 200 (100) Particle-8 2 (1) Passengers=14, Frozen=2360, Cargo=3122. Fuel=165000. EP=15000. Agility=2. Troops=1900 *Includes the 1900 troops. Interior volume of the Strike Planetoid is 325,000 tons. Two 6fib computers are present, one as a backup. The ship has dampers. The entire 3000t cargo volume is equipped with collapsible tanks (30t when fully collapsed), which are usually kept 2/3 full for refueling smaller craft and the remaining 1000t used for cargo or temporary hangar space. There are no standard craft carried. The ship has a frozen watch. Number in service: 3 (1 secret)
Heimdal Class Light Battleships are named for figures of nordic mythology.
The next step should be spinal mounts, but their excessive fuel consump- tion creates problems. Even with most of the jump fuel tucked into detatchable fuel shuttles there is no way a ship can have 6 G and armour 12 and still have tonnage enough to provide an extra 600, 800, or 1000 EP's worth of power plant. The two following designs are compromises on several important points. First and foremost: The power plant is NOT large enough to provide full agility when the spinal mount is being used. The ship captain (or fleet admiral) must choose between agility 4 and using the spinal or agility 6 and relying on the missile bays alone.
BLM-0001 Heimdal BLM-N4367F3-C00106-00L09-0 MCr37156 40.000 tons btty: G 1 G Crew=615 bear: E 1 E Cargo=34. Fuel=6625. EP=2625. Agility=4. Troops=200. Low=308. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 615 Command: 20 Engineering: 163 Gunnery: 122 Troops: 200 Crew: 110
BLD/V-0001 BLF-L6333F3-400006-00009-0 MCr10397 20000 tons btty (all bear): A A Crew=252 Cargo=125. Fuel=10600. EP=600. Agility=2. Troops=100. Low=126. Pure. Scoops. Like the Mark III and IV shuttles, the Mark V also secure disabled enemy ships. Crew: Total: 252 Command: 11 Engineering: 42 Gunnery: 44 Troops 100 Crew: 55
With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of:
BLM-0001 Heimdal BLM-Q6345F3-600106-00L09-0 MCr57950 80.000 tons btty (bear): Repulsor-6 40 (30) Crew=569 PA-L 1 ( 1) Missile-9 40 (30) Cargo=284. Fuel=27825. EP=3825. Agility=3. Troops=400. Low=560. Pure. Scoops.
Trinity Class Heavy Battleships are named for famous archetypal trios like The Norns and The Graces. Unofficially the names of the three entities (if known) are each assigned to one of the three parts of the ship.
BHM-0001 Trinity BHM-P4367F3-C00106-00Q09-0 MCr37092 50.000 tons btty: N 1 P Crew=615 bear: J 1 J Cargo=70. Fuel=8275. EP=3275. Agility=4. Troops=500. Low=500. Scoops. Crew: Total: 998 Command: 25 Engineering: 203 Gunnery: 145 Troops: 500 Crew: 125
BHD/V-0001 BHF-L6333F3-400006-00009-0 MCr12992 25000 tons btty: C D Crew=403 bear: B C Cargo=88. Fuel=13250. EP=75. Agility=2. Troops=100. Low=201. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 403 Command: 13 Engineering: 71 Gunnery: 54 Troops 100 Crew: 70
With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of:
BL-0001 Trinity BH-Q6345F4-600106-00Q09-0 MCr57886 80.000 tons btty (bear): Repulsor-6 46 (32) Crew=1804 PA-Q 1 ( 1) Missile-9 48 (34) Cargo=246. Fuel=34775. EP=4775. Agility=3. Troops=700. Low=902. Pure. Scoops.
BB-87 Kullervo BB-R4368G3-99x3x7-90Rx9-0 MCr85667 100000 tons Batteries B 5 30 50 Crew=888 Bearing 7 3 21 35 TL=12/13 Agility=6, Cargo=187, Fuel=28000, EP=8000, Purifier, Scoops, Stateroom=450 Low=450, Troops=100, Frozen Watch. Note: Internal fuel is sufficient for Jump 2, must use drop tanks for longer jumps. Concept ship. Mixed technoloogy (Lasers, Damper, Power Plant, Computer, Particle Accelerator and Repulsors are TL-13). Both the Kullervo and the Blizzard classes are projections of technology in development
BC-P6357H3-490300-(ND)000A-0 MCr42,370.9 50,000 tons bearing 8 12 4 Crew=370. batteries A 13 5 TL=12(14). Low=510. Cargo=699. Fuel=18,500. EP=3500. Agility=5. Marines=650. Notes: All lasers are beam lasers. This ship has a frozen watch. Has fuel scoops and purification plant. This is the Series A refit, no unrefitted ships are in service.
BB-R6357H4-590307-00R09-0 MCr86,286.3 100,000 tons bearing Y 7 1 L Crew=1070. batteries Z A 1 U TL=12(14). Low=535. Cargo=527. Fuel=37,000. EP=7000. Agility=5. Marines=300. Y=35, Z=50 Notes: This ship has a frozen watch, fuel purification plant, and scoops. This is the Series A refit--no unrefitted ships remain in service.
Tokugawa Ieyasu BCH-Q636AH3-B00608-D0R0A-0 MCr69,745.2 75,000 tons bearing R C 1 L Crew=798. batteries Z G 1 S TL=13(14). Low=549. Cargo=211. Fuel=15,642. EP=7580. Agility=6. Marines=300. Notes: All lasers are beam lasers. This ship has a frozen watch. Has an NH3 fuel system. This ship uses TL14 computer, missiles, repulsors, nuclear dampers, fuel refineries, and armour. It uses Sansterre's multi-bay system to carry four more bays than the normal maximum. Carries two 30-ton small craft. Has two computers. Missile magazine holds 780 tons (260 battery rounds). Carries 100 ER missile controllers. Cost is MCr86,966.2 individually. Construction: Will occupy 75,000 tons of yard space at St. Hilaire for 212 weeks. Cost this year is MCr20,338.73, MCr2,388.84 more than was budgeted.
St. Genevieve BB-S636BH4-C00608-(WD)000A-0 MCr243,965.8 250,000tons bearing W 1U Y Crew=2742. batteries X 1V Z TL=13(14). Passengers=10. Low=1796. Cargo=644. Fuel=53,170. EP=27,250. Agility=6. Marines=850. U=36, V=55, W=39, X=60, Y=59, Z=90 Notes: All lasers are beam lasers. This ship has a frozen watch. Has an NH3 fuel system. This ship uses TL 14 computer, missiles, repulsors, nuclear dampers, fuel refineries, and armour. Carries one 95-ton and three 30-ton small craft. Has two computers. Missile magazine holds 2700 tons (900 battery rounds). Carries 500 ER missile controllers. Cost is MCr304,204.2 individually.
BC-P646(8)DJ3-A00708-(RD)000A-0 MCr48,521.7 50,000 tons bearing C 18 L Crew=503. batteries F 1A R TL=13(15). Passengers=10. Low=332. Cargo=771. Fuel=13,657. EP=6264. Agility=6(8). Marines=150. Notes: This ship has a frozen watch, fuel purification plants, and scoops. It uses an NH3 fuel system. All lasers are beam lasers. Carries two 30-ton small craft. Carries 75 ER missile gunners, and has a missile magazine with a capacity of 750 tons (250 battery-rounds). Has two computers. Has afterburning power plant which can push the ship up to 8Gs in combat.
| NAME: TORNADO CLASS BATTLESHIP TL: 12 TONS: 100000 | | BB-R4334F4-690106-07Q09-10 COST: MCr 133000.376 5 L F1 Z FEE: MCr 1330.0 4 E B1 X 80%COST: MCr 106400.3 X=35, Z=50 EP: 4000 CARGO: 436 FUEL: 36000 CREW: 2130 MARINES: 1000 FUEL PURIFIER, FUEL SCOOPS AGILITY: 2 EMER:3 |AUX. CRAFT: 100*BARRACUDA 2*TYPHOON |COMP MOD 6/fib*3 |MSL BAY*50 100 |REPULSORS*20 100 |FUSION BAY*15 50 |TRIP SND CSTR*50 Tornado II (TL13 Refit) BB-R4334G3-690307-(DA)0R0(98)-5+1 Bat Bear 4 W 42 1 Y9 Bat 5 X 53 1 ZC
| NAME: HURRICANE CLASS BATTLESHIP TECH LEVEL: 12/13 TONS: 200000| | __ _____________ ___________ _________ __ *REDESIGNED* | | |BB|-|S|6|3|6|7|G|4|-|6|9|0|1|0|6|-|0|0|Q|0|9|-| |MCr 180641.1849 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MAINT 14451.29472| | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | MCr 144512.9472 | | | | | | | | | | ||Y|| | ||U| |0|0|1|0|W|<<|<<<< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BEARING | | | | | | | | | | ||X|| | ||T| |0|0|1|0|Z|<<|<<<< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 14000 | | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 0 | | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 74000 | | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 4125 | | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 2520| | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES | | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | | R S L AGILITY: 6 EMER:6 | |AUX. CRAFT: T=30 U=20 W=78 X=45 Y=29 Z=120 | |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------| |NUC DAMPER |50 |50 |-10 | | |"Q" PART ACCEL |4500 |2000 |-1000 | | |MSL BAY*120 |12000 |2400 | | | |REPULSORS*30 |3000 |300 |-300 | | | | | | | | |TRIP SC*450 |450 |337.5 | | |
| NAME: WHIRLWIND FAST BATTLESHIP TECH LEVEL: 12 TONS:120000 | | __ _____________ ___________ _________ _ *REDESIGNED* | | |FB|-|R|6|3|6|7|G|4|-|6|9|0|1|0|6|-|0|0|Q|0|9|-|0|MCr 108893.023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MAINT 8711.44184 | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | MCr 87114.4184 | | | | | | | | | | ||Y|| | ||B| |0|0|1|0|Y|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BEARING | | | | | | | | | | ||X|| | ||F| |0|0|1|0|X|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 8400 | | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 0 | | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 32400 | | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 2173 | | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 1065| | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES | | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | | R S L AGILITY: 6 EMER: 6| | AUX. CRAFT: 50*SWORDFISH,5*THUNDERBOLT X=50,Y=35 | |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------| | 100T MIS BAY*50|5000 |1000 | | | | "Q" PART ACCEL |4500 |2000 |-1000 | | | 100T REP BAY*15|1500 |150 |-150 | | | 500*TRIP SC TUR|500 |375 | | | | 50*SWORDFISH |4875 |9.75 | | | | 5*THUNDERBOLT |5500 |11 | | |
BC-P4368H3-400608-(QD)000A-0 MCr 61,998.34/49,598.59 67.5K Tons Bat W 12 Z TL 14 Bat Bear Q 12 Y Total Crew=932 Agility=6 EP=5652 Fuel=13470 Fuel Purification Plants(NH3) Scoops Drop Tanks Crew=698 Marines=234 Low=934 2*Bridge 2*Computers 2*Frozen Watch 1*Spinal Mount 91*100T Bays W=30,Q=24,Z=59,Y=47 Uses multi bay mounts for 56 of the 100T Bays(28 mounts), the remainder are standard one bay mountings. This ship is designed for long range combat, and I envision them being used in combination with the _Alliance_ class Battle Carriers, whose fighters will direct fire from the BC's. Has enough space and energy allocated for up to model 9/fib and factor 9 nuclear damper. Several of the bays will probably be used for magazine storage of long range missiles. Added 8 Multi-Bay Mounts and crew.
The smallest category of capital ship, cruisers are traditionally the smallest starship that can be fitted with a spinal mount weapon.
Trafalgar Class Cruisers are named for famous naval battles.
CMM-0001 Trafalgar DE2-L4367F3-C00106-00009-0 MCr21365 20.000 tons btty (all bear): A A Crew=297 Cargo=53. Fuel=3350. EP=1350. Agility=6. Troops=100. Low=150. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 297 Command: 11 Engineering: 83 Gunnery: 48 Troops: 100 Crew: 55
In, or rather after, battle the Mark III shuttles perform one additional duty. Embarking ship's troops from the main hull prior to the battle they approach and secure disabled enemy ships, leaving the main hulls free to fight or pursue.
CMD/V-0001 DE3/F-K6333F3-400006-00009-0 MCr5235 10000 tons btty (all bear): 5 5 Crew=136 Cargo=37. Fuel=5300. EP=300. Agility=2. Troops=50. Low=68. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 136 Command: 11 Engineering: 21 Gunnery: 24 Troops 50 Crew: 30
With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of:
CM-0001 Trafalgar DE3-M6345F3-800106-00009-0 MCr31835 40.000 tons btty (bear): Repulsor-6 20 (18) Crew=569 Missile-9 20 (18) Cargo=127. Fuel=13950. EP=1950. Agility=4. Troops=200. Low=286. Pure. Scoops.
Monarch Class Cruisers are named for kings and reigning queens of Old Earth.
CHM-0001 Monarch CHM-M4367F3-C00106-00009-0 MCr21307 30.000 tons btty: F F Crew=486 bear: E E Cargo=126. Fuel=5000. EP=2000. Agility=6. Troops=200. Low=244. Scoops. Crew: Total: 486 Command: 15 Engineering: 123 Gunnery: 68 Troops: 200 Crew: 80
Like the Mark III shuttles, the Mark IV also secure disabled enemy ships. The frozen berths are not so much to provide replacement crews (since the fighting hulls are armoured enough to protect their crew), but to provide prize crews and a place to stash prisoners at the same time. Of course, _should_ the fuel shuttles themselves recieve a stray radiation hit, it won't hurt to be carrying a spare crew watch.
CHD/V-0001 CHD/V-K6333F3-400006-00009-0 MCr9781 15000 tons btty (all bear): 5 5 Crew=136 Cargo=37. Fuel=5300. EP=300. Agility=2. Troops=50. Low=68. Pure. Scoops.
With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of:
CH-0001 Monarch CH-M6345F3-800106-00009-0 MCr31777 40.000 tons btty (bear): Repulsor-6 20 (18) Crew=569 Missile-9 20 (18) Cargo=127. Fuel=13950. EP=1950. Agility=4. Troops=200. Low=286. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 217 Command: 11 Engineering: 32 Gunnery: 34 Troops 100 Crew: 40
BC-69 Blizzard BC-P4369G3-69x307-94Mx9-0 MCr41063 50000 tons Batteries 4 5 F25 20 Crew=496 Bearing 3 4 C20 16 TL=12/13 Agility=6, Cargo=142, Fuel=14500, EP=4500, Purifier, Scoops, Stateroom=255 Low=250, Frozen Watch, Note: Internal fuel is sufficient for Jump 2, must use drop tanks for longer jumps. Concept ship. 25 single mounted fusion guns act as primary anti-missile defense. Mixed technoloogy (Lasers, Damper, Power Plant, Computer, Particle Accelerator and Repulsors are TL-13).
CL-61 Tapir CL-K4367F3-49x1x0-870x9-0 MCr8375.7 10000tons Batteries 3 21 4 Crew=105 Bearing 3 21 4 TL=12 Agility=6, Cargo=4, Fuel=3700, EP=700, Purifier, Scoops, Stateroom=56 Low=53, Frozen Watch 10-15 in service
CL-K6367G3-200308-0000A-0 MCr7814.5 10,000T<47> TL12/14 6 4 EP: 645 Agil: 5 6 4 Fuel:3645 Fuel refinery, Scoops, Frozen watch Crew: 105 Low: 210 400 total
CL-K6367H3-200308-0000A-0 MCr7855 10,000T<43> TL12/14 6 4 EP: 645 Agil: 5 6 4 Fuel:3645 Fuel refinery, Scoops, Frozen watch Crew: 105 Low: 210 186 total
CL-K6367H3-200300-0000A-0 MCr7871 10,000T<43> TL12/14 8 EP: 645 Agil: 6 8 Fuel:3645 Fuel refinery, Scoops, Frozen watch Crew: 105 Low: 210 Anti-missile capable. LR missile capable (200T magazine). 0 total
CL-K1467H3-400600-(A)000(A9)-0 MCr7767.3* 10,000T TL12-14 4 44 EP: 672 Agil: 6 4 44 Fuel:2730 Fuel refinery, Scoops, Frozen watch Crew: 187 Low: 187 Backup bridge and computer. Carries 4 90T fighters, and 2 40-man assault platoons w/ vehicles. 0 total Carries four det-laser bays, four heavy missile bays, four light missile bays. TL13 power plant, Jump drive. TL14 armour, weapons, nuclear damper, computer, fuel refinery. NH3 fuel system. * without vehicles.
CA-K6367H3-400600-0000(A9)-0 MCr7760.9 15,000T TL13/14 6C EP: Agil: 6 6C Fuel: Fuel refinery, Scoops, Frozen watch Crew: Low: 0 total
CA-N6368H3-090300-N0009-0 MCr30,670.5 35,000 tons bearing D 1 9 Crew=281. batteries F 1 A TL=12(14). Low=641. Cargo=676. Fuel=13,300. EP=2800. Agility=6. Marines=1000. Notes: This ship has a frozen watch, fuel purification plant, and scoops. This is the Series A refit--no unrefitted ships remain in service.
CA-M4368F3-490100-07E05-0 MCr43,693.92 30,000 tons bearing 9 51 8 Crew=215. batteries A 51 9 TL=12. Low=108. Cargo=1. Fuel=11,515. EP=2515. Agility=6. Marines=90. Notes: This ship has fuel purification plants, scoops, and frozen watch. This ship, together with CA-101 _New Aberdeen_, were purchased from New Home.
Yokohama CS-N636BH3-800608-(RD)000A-0 MCr36,708.1 40,000 tons bearing 6 16 D Crew=436. batteries 7 17 F TL=13(14). Passengers=10. Low=281. Cargo=138. Fuel=8,468. EP=4284. Agility=6. Marines=125. Notes: All lasers are beam lasers. This ship has a frozen watch. Has an NH3 fuel system. This ship uses TL14 computer, missiles, repulsors, nuclear dampers, fuel refineries, and armour. Carries one 30-ton small craft. Has two computers. Missile magazine holds 450 tons (150 battery rounds). Carries 60 ER missile controllers. Cost is MCr45,771.8 individually.
Sol Bianca CRF-L156(C)HH3-400600-(ND)000A-0 MCr28,203.1 25,000 tons bearing 15 E Crew=230. batteries 15 F TL=13(15). Low=178. Cargo=35. Fuel=8,673. EP=4178. Agility=6(12). Marines=125. Notes: All lasers are beam lasers. This ship has a frozen watch. Has an NH3 fuel system. This ship uses TL14 computer, missiles, nuclear dampers, fuel refineries, and armour. This ship uses a TL15 enhanced output maneuver drive and afterburning power plant. When using the afterburners, it can accelerate at 12G and has an agility of 12. Carries one 30-ton small craft. Has two computers. Cost is MCr35,167.6 individually.
Cruiser1 - City Class Fleet Cruiser. original version. For sale. CF-M4368F3-490100-07E05-0 TL 12 MCr 43,693.92 30,000 tons A 5 9 9 5 8 Crew=215 Marines=90 Frozen Watch=108 Low=108 EP=2515 Fuel=11,515 Agil=6 Fuel Scoops. No refinery. Cargo=1 ton
Cruiser-1B - City Class Fleet Cruiser, TL 13 refit; replace TL 12 power plant with TL 13 power plant upgraded for new guns below, add TL 13 fuel refinery, rip out TL 12 Fusion bays and replace with TL 13 fusion bays, rip out TL 12 missile turrets and replace with 100 TL 13 3x missile turrets. Replace computer with 7fib. Add 15 2x TL 13 Beam Laser turrets. Add fighters & crew space for same. CF-M4368G3-490100-98E07-3 TL 12 refit MCr 23,268.785 30,000 tons A 15 A maint MCr 2850.04315/year (TCS) 9 15 9 Crew=278 Marines=90 Frozen Watch=139 Low=139. EP=2547 Fuel=11,547 Agil=6 Cargo=44.5 tons. Fuel Scoops. TL 13 refinery. Beam Lasers. Fighters=25 Mosquitos. CF-25 N.H.S. New London - given to Colchis CF-26 N.H.S. Edinburgh - attached to 2nd Fleet CF-27 N.H.S. Monteleone - attached to 2nd Fleet TL 14 refit: replace computer with 8fib. damper with Damper-6, delete fusion bays & replace w/? spinal mount with Particle-N sacrifice 1 Agil -> agil=5
| NAME: TRIGGERFISH CLASS LIGHT CRUISER TECH LEVEL: 12 TONS: 21000 | __ _____________ ___________ _________ ____ | |CL|-|L|6|0|6|A|6|3|-|4|7|0|1|0|6|-|0|0|L|0|8|-| 0 | COST: MCr 25858.55 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | FEE: MCr 258.5855 | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | 80%COST: MCr 20686.84 | | | | | | | | | ||5|| | ||2| |0|0|1|0|C|<<|<<<< BATTERIES BEARING | | | | | | | | | ||5|| | ||2| |0|0|1|0|D|<<|<<<< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 2100 | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 0 | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 2100 | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 293 | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 0 | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: NO | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | R S L AGILITY: 6 EMER: 6 |AUX. CRAFT: 10*SWORDFISH F.A.C. |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------|--------| |50T MIS BAY*13 |650 |156 | | |8*13 |100T REP BAY*2 |200 |20 |-20 | |6*2 |20*TRIP SC TUR |20 |15 | | |7*5 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| NAME: LIGHTNING STRIKE CRUISER TECH LEVEL: 12/13 TONS: 75000 | | __ _____________ ___________ _________ _ *REDESIGNED* | | |CS|-|Q|6|3|6|7|G|3|-|4|9|0|1|0|6|-|0|0|E|0|9|-|0|MCr 63893.898 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MAINT 5111.51184 | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | MCr 51115.1184 | | | | | | | | | | ||C|| | ||8| |0|0|1|0|X|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BEARING | | | | | | | | | | ||G|| | ||A| |0|0|1|0|Y|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 5250 | | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 0 | | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 27750 | | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 850 | | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 193 | | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES | | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | | R S L AGILITY: 5 EMER: 5| | AUX. CRAFT: 10*SWORDFISH F.A.C. X=34,Y=45 | |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------| | 100T MIS BAY*45|4500 |900 | | | | 100T REP BAY*10|1000 |100 |-100 | | | FACTOR E PA |3500 |1200 |-600 | | | NUC DAMPER |50 |50 |-10 | | | TRP SC TUR*160 |160 |120 | | | | F.A.C.*10 |975 |1.95 | | |
| NAME: THUNDERSTORM LT. CRUISER TECH LEVEL: 12/13 TONS: 50000 | | __ _____________ ___________ _________ _ *REDESIGNED* | | |CL|-|P|6|3|6|7|G|3|-|4|9|0|1|0|6|-|0|0|0|0|9|-|0|MCr 44733.474 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MAINT 3578.67792 | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | MCr 35786.7792 | | | | | | | | | | ||L|| | ||4| |0|0|0|0|G|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BEARING | | | | | | | | | | ||R|| | ||5| |0|0|0|0|L|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 3500 | | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 1 | | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 13500 | | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 1313 | | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 921 | | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES | | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | | R S L AGILITY: 6 EMER: 6| | AUX. CRAFT: 5*THUNDERBOLT | |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------| | 100T MIS BAY*20|2000 |400 | | | | 100T REP BAY*5 |500 |50 |-50 | | | NUC DAMPER |50 |50 |-10 | | | 250*TRIP SC TUR|250 |187.5 | | | | 5*THUNDERBOLT |5500 |11 | | |
| NAME: HYDRA LIGHT CRUISER TECH LEVEL: 12/13 TONS: 10000 | | __ _____________ ___________ _________ _ *REDESIGNED* | | |CL|-|K|6|3|6|7|G|3|-|5|0|0|0|0|6|-|0|0|E|0|9|-|0|MCr 8717.064 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MAINT 697.36512 | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | | _ _________ | MCr 6973.6512 | | | | | | | | | | ||0|| | ||5| |0|0|0|0|5|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BEARING | | | | | | | | | | ||0|| | ||5| |0|0|0|0|5|<<|< BATTERIES | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EP: 700 | | H O O U A O O R U A E U O E A N A E I I CARGO: 1 | | P N F P E E P W L D O L C U E R T O S H FUEL: 3700 | | T G G V T A A A S S Y C L E CREW: 179 | | P R R L R M T C I R W E U S S MARINES: 89 | | O T N R R E A L A A FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES | | E O N P O C FUEL SCOOPS: YES | | R S L AGILITY: 6 EMER: 6| | AUX. CRAFT: | |----------------|----------------|-----------|----------|-----------| | 100T MIS BAY*5 |500 |100 | | | | 100T REP BAY*5 |500 |50 |-50 | |
Capital ships whose main function is to carry non-jump-capable combatant vessels to combat.
CCA R4313F4-090106-00009-0 MCr133,209.6 175ktons C C 3 TL 12 8 8 2 Crew 1290 Cargo=33.4. Low=0. Fuel=107700. EP=10200. Agility=1. Drives and Bridge rated for 325,000 T displacement. Partially Streamlined. Scoops and Plant. Three carried Pinnaces. Carries 3x50kton CAs. Carrier and riders are configuration 7; carrier alone is configuraton 4.
CCL R4313F4-090106-00000-0 MCr66,826.6 100ktons C Z TL 12 8 Q Crew 1050 Cargo=42. Low=0. Fuel=62,040. EP=5640. Agility=1. Partially Streamlined. Scoops and Plant. Two carried Pinnaces. Carries 4x20kton CLAs. Carrier and riders are configuration 7; carrier alone is configuraton 4.
TC-01 Titan TC-R4335F4-490106-40804-100 MCr63774 100.000 tons btty: 1 2 1 2 4 ^?^ Crew=3255 bear 1 1 1 1 3 Cargo=1224. Fuel=35000. EP=5000. Agility=4. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops. Launch Tubes x10. This Fighter Carrier is able to launch 400 of its 1000 AF-12 Stinger fighters in a 20-min combat turn. Its general shape is that of a shallow box with a minimal superstructure, and it is capable of gas-giant refueling. The ship has dampers. In addition to the fighters, it carries a 30t ship's boat. Ships of the Titan class are named for the Titans of Earth mythology (Prometheus, Oceanus, Hyperion, et al). Number in service: 15.
TC-01 Titan TC-R4335F4-490106-88809-100 MCr63774 100.000 tons ^?^ btty (bear): Sandcaster-9 25 (18) Crew=1265 Repulsor-6 11 (8) B-laser-8 25 (18) Fusion-8 25 (18) Particle-8 2 (1) Missile-9 12 (8) Cargo=182. Fuel=35000. EP=5000. Agility=3. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops. To begin with only one Titan will be put in for refit. Uses launch ports for launching fighters.
CT-01 Storm CT-R7323F3-490106-00000-0 MCr62709 150.000 tons btty: 1 3 Crew=775 bear 1 2 Cargo=536. Fuel=49500. EP=4500. Agility=2. Troops=0. ** Paid separately. The Storm-class Cruiser Tender carries 3 Thunderbolt-class cruisers (cost *not* included), 10 Sentinel SDBs for personal defense, and a 20t launch. It is a dispersed structure, a central spine in a cylindrical cage divided into three compartments by structural members. The ship has dampers. Ships of the Storm class are named for violent weather (Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, etc). Number in service: 25.
CT-01 Storm CT-R7323F3-490106-88809-0 MCr65907 150.000 tons btty (bear): Sandcaster-9 28 (20) Crew=1022 Repulsor-6 16 (11) B-laser-8 36 (25) Plasma-7 36 (25) Particle-8 17 (12) Missile-9 17 (12) Cargo=10. Fuel=49500. EP=4500. Agility=1. Troops=0.
This new fighter carrier is of the same size and shape as a Monarch Class Heavy Cruiser (A Death Egg). They have names like Mother Goose, Mother Duck, Mother Hen, Mother Swan etc. (Their fighters are known as Goslings, Ducklings, Chickens, etc.).
TTM-0001 Mother Goose DE2-M4333F3-600106-00009-8 MCr17478 30.000 tons btty: C J Crew=492 bear: B G Cargo=76. Fuel=4035. EP=1035. Agility=3. Troops=0. Low=0. Pure. Scoops. Carries 80 80-T fighters. Crew: Total: 492 Command: 15 Engineering: 68 Gunnery: 68 Flight: 251 Troops: 0 Crew: 90
CVX-M756*(8)J3-000700-0000(A7)-4 MCr29,934.0/23,947.2 35,000T** Bat CZ TL14/15 Bear BY NH3 fuel system. Drop Tank Fittings. Emergency Bridge. Frozen watch*2. "Afterburner". Agility=6/14 EP=2560*** Fuel=13950 Cargo=24 Crew=410 Marines=500 Low=410 Z=50,Y=45 Carries 40 Shark fighters. Carries one Imperial ACBn (500 men, 250T equipment). * Enhanced Output M-drive. ** 32,000T with fighters deployed. M-drive and Afterburner scaled for 32,000T ship. J-drive for 35,000T ship. Designed with TL15 fuel refinery, computers and power plant. Designed for upgrade to ND-9. "Afterburner"-class fusion rocket provides up to 8G for at least 16 hours. Includes 750T of fuel for refuleing fighters once. This will become the standard warship in our Navy as quickly as they can be built. The Carrier Squadron will continue to consist of 3 carriers and one tanker, though in this case, the tanker will be the larger "Bourbon" Multi-Purpose Support Ship, which will carry 20 fighters, and 3 Imperial ACBn's, in order to allow a Carrier Squadron to carry a complete Imperial ACR. Enhanced Output M-drive and Afterburner are being prototyped now. Note that the production Sharks will use both. Note that cost does not include fighters. Estimated cost for fighter complement is MCr8,000. Please note that in both designs, the marine contingent is carried awake, to remove the adverse effects of Cold-sleep during the early days of a ground operation. Total cost of one example, including vehicles: MCr32,000.
TL: B/D CL-E7255G3-070300-00008-2 MCr4539.4 5000T (excess - 6) Batteries: 3 4 Agility: 4 Crew: 112 EP: 253 Marines: 100(in Low berths) Frozen watch: 56 Fuel:1253 fuel purifier 16 Wasps, fuel cutter,2x lander price includes small craft [12 spare low berths, 4 spare cabins] 18 based in secret bases. Maintenance Cost: MCr 163.4/turn
BC-R731363-000000-00000-0 MCr40,924.8 100,000T TL12 EP: 3000 Agil: 1 Fuel:13000 Crew: 500 500 total Capacity:Jump 3, +2 10000T Demountable Fuel Tanks, 48993T Jump 2, +2 10000T Demountable Fuel Tanks, 82326T Jump 1, +1 10000T Demountable Fuel Tank, 158993T CRAFT: 100T ESSO TANKER, 100T CAMEL TRANSPORT, 20T ANT LUANCH
TA-10 Mamoth TA-L4323G4-49x0x7-9000A-1 MCr10075 20000 tons Batteries 5 1 5 9 Crew=124 Bearing 5 1 5 9 TL=12/13 Agility=2, Cargo=156, Fuel=4600, EP=600, Purifier, Scoops, Stateroom=65, Low=62, Frozen Watch, Vessels=7000 tons of hangar space (usually used for five QY-904/5/7/8 class shuttles and 3 QY-906 class shuttles plus 285 tons of general hangar space), Note: Internal fuel is sufficient for Jump 2, must use drop tanks for longer jumps.
TF-R7313F3-090100-00009-0 MCr40,390.8 100,000 tons bearing 8 Y Crew=764. batteries A Z TL=12. Low=382. Cargo=2,706. Fuel=33,000. EP=3000. Agility=1. Marines=300. Y=35, Z=50 Notes: This is a fleet battle tender. It can carry up to 40,000 tons worth of riders--normally 4 _Berlins_ or 2 _Provences_. This ship has a frozen watch. Has fuel purification plant.
CF-R4313F4-490106-80009-40 MCr48,155.9 100,000 tons bearing Y 7 M 7 Crew=1990. batteries Z A W A TL=12. Low=995. Cargo=297. Fuel=33,000. EP=3000. Agility=1. Marines=300. Y=35, Z=50 Notes: This is the largest Neubayern carrier. It has 5 50-ton launch tubes, and can launch 200 fighters at once. This ship has a frozen watch. It has fuel scoops and a fuel purification plant. The hanger decks have 20,000 tons of capacity.
CF-R4313H4-490607-D000A-25 MCr48,087.3 100,000 tons bearing Y 7 6 M Crew=1558. batteries Z A 9 W TL=12(14). Low=929. Cargo=1312. Fuel=17,160. EP=3000. Agility=1. Marines=300. W=30, Y=35, Z=50 Notes: This is the Series A refit of the _Nimitz_. It has 100-ton launch tubes, and 25,000 tons of deck capacity. It uses an NH3 fuel system. It also has an ER missile magazine with a capacity of 900 tons (300 battery-rounds).
CV-Q4313F4-290106-00006-20 MCr29,552.5 60,000 tons bearing F 4 B Crew=1128. batteries L 5 F TL=12. Low=564. Cargo=177. Fuel=19,800. EP=1800. Agility=1. Marines=250. Notes: this ship has two 50-ton launch tubes, and can launch 80 fighters at once. This ship has a frozen watch, fuel purification plant, and scoops. Deck capacity is 10,000 tons.
Carrier1 - Admiral Class Fighter Carrier. Carries 30x Wasps & 1 500-ton craft. CL-K7445G4-090307-08000-3 TL 13 MCr 7563.25/6050.6 12,000 tons 2 2 2 (w/o fighters) 2 2 2 Crew=175 Staterooms=90 Agil=4 Fuel=5280 tons Extra Fighter Fuel=320 tons Low=30 Frozen Flight Crew=30 Fighters=30 Wasps BigCraft=500 tons total.
Carrier2 - Bear Class Strike Tender. Carries 3 Reaper SDB2's and drop tanks for each, 2 Couriers, and 925 tons of cargo or vehicles. TS-R741463-000000-00000-0 TL 13 MCr 79,044.63/63,235.704 150,000 tons (w/o carried vehicles) Crew=483 Troops=450 Staterooms=469 Fuel=66,000 tons Agil=1 Cargo=925 tons Drop Tanks for SDB2=3x 1000-ton, 3x 500-ton, 3x 200-ton. BigCraft=3x Reaper SDB2 (17,000 tons ea.), 2x Bishop Courier (200 tons ea.). Grizzly, Panda, Sun Bear, Kodiak, Black Bear, Polar Bear, Brown Bear.
| NAME: GUPPY CLASS FLEET TENDER TECH LEVEL: 12 TONS: 900000 | | TF-X7313F4-000000-00000-30 COST: MCr 461170.75 FEE: MCr 4611.7075 80%COST: MCr 368936.6 EP: 27000 CARGO: 538 FUEL: 297000 CREW: 6929 MARINES: 0 AGILITY: 1 EMER:1 |AUX. CRAFT: 300*BARRACUDA, 14*REEF, 5*MINNOW Guppy Refits: MCr 89,660.0426 The refitted Guppy's will be known as Thor and Odin. I expect to do a refit of the Tsunami Class Assault Carrier next year, to the same stats as the Guppys. It will be known as Dora.
BC-X7313H5-000608-W000A-50 MCr 400,278.1718 900,000 Tons Batteries W 1 Y TL-12/14 Bat Bearing X 1 Z Agility=1 Fuel=297000 EP=27000 Crew=10099 Frozen Watch 500*Pike Ia 10*Aegis Uses Multi-Bay weapon system 5000T Missile Magazine 4678T Cargo Space W=120 X=60 Y=1600 Z=800 I don't know how useful this ship will really be, but it's a start towards real long range combat capabilities. BTW, if this ship is firing at a long range target, can it fire all the missile batteries at once? After all, they are long range missiles, and they are being handed off. Seems like they could fire them all and then they would swing back around towards the target area. 1600 missile batteries at once would be devastating.
BV-P4367H4-400408-0000A-8 MCr 52,157.49/41,725.99 67,500 Tons Bat. R Z TL-14 Bat Bear L X Total Crew=1059 Agility=6 EP=4402 Fuel=12820 Crew=899 Marines=160 Low=1061 Frozen Watch*2 Bridge*2 Computer*2 80*90T fighters Fuel Purification Plants(NH3) Scoops Drop Tanks Launch Tube Z=47,X=38 5*Multi-Bay Mounts(2*100T) 62*100T Bays Uses NH3 power plants. Space and power allocated for up to Model/9 fib and factor 9 Nuc Damper for later upgrades. This is a modular design, and could be built in under 2 years at Sansterre's yard. Added 5 Multi-Bay Mounts and crew.
| NAME: TSUNAMI CLASS ASSAULT CARRIER TECH LEVEL: 12 TONS: 900000 | | AC-X7313F5-090106-07809-30 COST: MCr 508535.25 X Y XX Z FEE: MCr 5085.3525 W X WW Y 80%COST: MCr 406828.2 EP: 27000 CARGO: 40000 FUEL: 297000 CREW: 106121 MARINES: 100000 FUEL PURIF. PLANT AGILITY: 1 EMER:1 |AUX. CRAFT: 300*BARRACUDA, 50*TYPHOON, 5*MINNOW W=50,X=100,Y=200,Z=400 |COMP MOD 6/fib*3|42 |MISSILE BAY*400 100 |P.A. BAY*100 100 |FUSION BAY*100 50 |REPULSOR BAY*200 100 |TRIP S.C.*1000 |MISSILE MAGAZINE|5165
| NAME: GALE CLASS ASSAULT CARRIER TECH LEVEL: 11 TONS: 20000 | | AC-L7212E5-090100-05008-0 COST: MCr 17787.078 5 5 A FEE: MCr 177.87078 5 5 A 80%COST: MCr 14229.6624 EP: 400 CARGO: 1600 FUEL: 4400 CREW: 3362 MARINES: 3250 FUEL PURIF. PLANT:YES AGILITY: 1 EMER:1 |AUX. CRAFT: 2*TYPHOON |MSL BAY*10 100 |PLASMA BAY*5 25 |TRIP SND CSTR*50
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