High Guard Designs
[ Traveller | Designs | High Guard Designs | Scout Service | Military Ships | Auxiliary & Merchant Ships ]
Capital Ships | Escorts | Riders | Fighters | Fortifications |
These small combatants operate alone or in small groups doing "Coast Guard" duties (customs cutters, traffic enforcement, anti-piracy patrols, convoy escort) or as escorts to capital ships (where they mostly shoot up other escorts and auxiliaries and maybe fighters).
DD C6368F2-370000-86006-0 MCr2,518.7 3ktons 1 11 1 TL 12 Crew 48 Cargo=14.5. Low=0. Fuel=1140. EP=240. Agility=6. Marines=13. Streamlined. Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer. Carried 20 ton Launch. C. Storage in Naval Depot 8 SC * 250 ships = 2000 SC 18 BL * 250 ships - 3 BL * 360 ships = 3420 BL
DD C6368F2-050100-64009-0 MCr2,517.1 3ktons 1 13 2 TL 12 Crew 36 Cargo=8.5. Low=0. Fuel=1140. EP=240. Agility=6. Streamlined. Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer. C. Storage in Naval Depot 6 SC * 360 ships = 2160 SC
TO: BuProc FROM: AHC DATE: 176 DIST: * TS * Substitute the attached FM-12/38k Quebec for the FM-12/40k submitted [Week 158]. Cost/speedup of +60% is auth, for an est dur of 92 weeks. Funds auth are MCr44366.2688. Attachment - FM-12/38k missile frigate FM-0001 Quebec FM-M1366F3-400100-00009$-0 MCr27728.918 38kT batt bear TC Crew=350 batt WD TL=12 Pass=0. Low=0. Cargo=20. Fuel=13800. EP=2400. Agility=6. Ma- rines=50. Scoops. Pure. 3 backup 6fib. *TS* NOTE: $ is 80 triple missile turrets configured to 13 batteries. Price includes cost of installation of surplus PP from CL. Incl drop tanks 11400T (1 j-3). END MSG
D-1000 Kyle Grant D-F3245C2-370004-60707-0 MCr4106 6,000 tons btty (all bear) 2 1 2 1 2 Crew=70 TL=11 Cargo=87. Fuel=2700. EP=300. Agility=2. Troops=30. Fuel Scoops, Pure. This aging Destroyer has enough fuel tankage for two jump-2s. It is cylindrical, and is capable of gas-giant refueling. The ship carries both a 30t ship's boat and a 20t launch. Ships of the Kyle Grant class are named for famous and/or heroic members of the Serendip armed forces. Number in service: 250.
The 190 Kyle Grants in regular will be refitted with model/6fibs, replace repulsor and PA-7 with 2 missile-9s, take off sandcasters, put on 15 Beam Lasers, regroup batteries into 1 BL-8, 1 BL-6; put on 2 missile-3 batteries and 2 fusion gun-4 (come from stock). Allocated money 17,350 from purchases to refits. Shipyard space = 1,140,000. agility goes up to 4.
D-1000 Kyle Grant D-F3245F2-300000-(86)400(973)-0 MCr4106 6,000 tons btty (all bear) 11 2 222 Crew=70 TL=11 Cargo=87. Fuel=2700. EP=300. Agility=4. Troops=30. Fuel Scoops, Pure. This aging Destroyer has enough fuel tankage for two jump-2s. It is cylindrical, and is capable of gas-giant refueling. The ship carries both a 30t ship's boat and a 20t launch. Ships of the Kyle Grant class are named for famous and/or heroic members of the Serendip armed forces. Number in service: 190.
FR-1600 Dolphin FR-43356D2-370106-50804-0 MCr3205 4,000 tons bttys (all bear) 1 1 1 1 2 Crew=62 TL=12 Cargo=166. Fuel=1640. EP=240. Agility=3. Troops=20. Fuel Scoops, Pure. The Dolphin-class Frigate is smaller, faster, and almost as heavily armed as its predecessor the Grant-class destroyer, but not quite as agile. They have the same general shape, a cylinder. The frigate has dampers, and carries a 30t ship's boat. Ships of the Dolphin class are named for ceteceans and fish of Earth and the Islands Cluster. Number in service: 700. 16) 300 dolphins will be refitted with model/6s, replace repulsor with missile-9, take off sandcasters, put on 5 Beam Lasers to make a BL-6 battery, put on a Pulse Laser-4 battery, add 3 more missiles and regroup into 3 missile-5 batteries, 1 missile-3, and 3 missile-1. Money allocated from purchases to refits = 27,143. Shipyard space = 1,200,000. agility goes up to 5.
FR-1600 Dolphin FR-43356F2-300100-(64)080(9531)-0 MCr3205 4,000 tons bttys (all bear) 11 1 1123 Crew=62 TL=12 Cargo=166. Fuel=1640. EP=240. Agility=3. Troops=20. Fuel Scoops, Pure. The Dolphin-class Frigate is smaller, faster, and almost as heavily armed as its predecessor the Grant-class destroyer, but not quite as agile. They have the same general shape, a cylinder. The frigate has dampers, and carries a 30t ship's boat. Ships of the Dolphin class are named for ceteceans and fish of Earth and the Islands Cluster. Number in service: 300.
EF-1 Fleet Escort EF-E6358F2-400000-80008-0 MCr4,674.6 5,000 tons batteries bearing 3 2 Crew=62. batteries 3 2 TL=12. Passengers=0. Low=31. Cargo=49. Fuel=1900. EP=400. Agility=5. Marines=15. Notes: This is the standard light escort. It is used as an anti-fighter screening ship, and sometimes sees use as a convoy escort or courier. This ship has a frozen watch. It has fuel scoops and a fuel purification plant. Cost is MCr5,771.1 individuall (Note that these are captured Neubayern Flower class ships. Neubayern believes these to have been destroyed, so admission of possession would probably lead to war. Several have been refitted already, the rest are scheduled for refit. Refit plans are in among the mass of stuff sent by the previous player.)
Bukephalos Class ships are named for warhorses and other famous horses. EHM-0001 Bukephalos EHM-F4166F2-C00106-00009-0 MCr6416 6.000 tons btty (all bear): 2 4 Crew=75 Cargo=56. Fuel=995. EP=395. Agility=6. Troops=0. Scoops. Note that though the jump engine is large enough to support jump-3, the interior fuel tankage is only enough to support jump-1. Drop tanks and exterior tanks will be able to increase this. Crew: Total: 75 Command: 11 Engineering: 26 Gunnery: 20 Troops: 0 Crew: 18
EHD/V-0001 EHD/V-C6333F2-400000-00009-0 MCr1627 3.000 tons btty (all bear): 3 Crew=34 Cargo=20. Fuel=1590. EP=90. Agility=2. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops. With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of: EH-0001 Bukephalos EH-K6344F3-800106-00009-0 MCr9670 12.000 tons btty (all bear): 2 A Crew=143 Cargo=96. Fuel=4175. EP=575. Agility=4. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops. (Since the two parts are of equal size it seems reasonable to average out the armour for the combination. Hope you agree.) This would be the replacement for the Grant and Dolphin classes. (Question: Is there a need for a ship in this weight class?)
The Hannibal Class Frigates are named for famous generals. FFM-0001 Hannibal DE2-K4167F3-C00106-00009-0 MCr10651 10.000 tons btty (all bear): 5 5 Crew=110 Cargo=168. Fuel=1665. EP=665. Agility=6. Troops=0. Scoops. Note that though the jump engine is large enough to support jump-3, the interior fuel tankage is only enough to support jump-1. Drop tanks and exterior tanks will be able to increase this. Crew: Total: 110 Command: 11 Engineering: 41 Gunnery: 28 Troops: 0 Crew: 30
FFD/V-0001 FFD/V-E6333F2-400006-00009-0 MCr2650 5000 tons btty (all bear): 2 3 Crew=51 Cargo=55. Fuel=2650. EP=150. Agility=2. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops. Crew: Total: 51 Command: 11 Engineering: 11 Gunnery: 14 Troops: 0 Crew: 15
With two fuel modules attached the ship has a USP of:
FF-0001 Hannibal FF-L6345F3-800106-00009-0 MCr15951 20.000 tons btty: 9 B Crew=222 bear: 9 A Cargo=278. Fuel=6965. EP=965. Agility=4. Troops=0. Pure. Scoops.
TL: B CL-E2267E2-480000-00008-0 MCr4444.7 5000T Batteries: 3 3 Agility: 6 Crew: 54+50T EP: 350 fuel purifier, scoops Frozen Watch: 52 Fuel: 1350 Carried craft: cutter, 2 pinnaces. 75 in service.
TL: B CE-C2267E2-470000-00008-0 MCr2647.5 3000T Batteries: 3 2 Agility: 6 Crew: 40+50T EP: 210 fuel purifier, scoops Fuel: 810 250 in service.
TL: B EL-A2267E2-450000-00005-0 MCr922.5 1000T Batteries: 2 1 Agility: 6 Crew: 25+20T EP: 70 fuel purifier, scoops Fuel: 270 200 in service.
DD-E6368G3-000300-9000(7A)-1 MCr 5508.94/4407.152 TL 12/13/14 Batteries: 2 21 Bat. Bearing: 2 21 EP=400 Fuel=1900 Agility=5 Fighters=4 Swordfish Crew=139 FPP Scoops 1*100T Bay 40*Turrets 12 in service
DJ-A436AF2-000000-08000-0 MCr1044.5 1,000T TL12 1 EP: 95 Agil: 5 1 Fuel: 395 Fuel scoops Crew: 23 1000 total
DR-5406BF2-B00000-06000-0 MCr698.1 500T TL12 1 EP: 55 Agil: 6 1 Fuel: 55 Crew: 13 2000 total
DE-47 Ringhals DE-E4367F2-60x1x0-800x9-0 MCr4504.9 5000 tons Batteries 1 4 Crew=58 Bearing 1 4 TL=12 Agility=6, Cargo=80, Fuel=1350, EP=350, Purifier, Scoops, Stateroom=35 Low=30, Frozen Watch, Note: Internal fuel is sufficient for Jump 2, must use drop tanks for longer jumps.
DD-51 Halberd DD-H4066F2-C9x1x6-400x9-0 MCr7195.84 8000tons Batteries 1 1 5 5 Crew=93 Bearing 1 1 5 5 TL=12 Agility=5/6, Cargo=864, Fuel=960, EP=480, Purifier, Scoops, Auxiliary Bridge, Stateroom=50, Low Berth=46, Frozen Watch
DD9 - E6168E3 - 000000 - 00707 - 0 1 4 1 4 5000 tons MCr 4,118.4 Fuel=1400 Cargo=101 5x100 ton bays Backup Bridge, Computers(1x5fib, 2x3fib) 1x30, 1x50 ton small craft Crew=52 Troops=48 Agility=6 Fuel Purif and scoops upgrade to J-2 drives: (using 50 tons of drive space allocated in DD9 design) DD9bis - E6268E3 ..... Cost: +MCr941.54 per conversion
DE9 - A3168E2 - 000000 - 60005 - 0 1 1 1100 tons MCr 977.7 Fuel=519 (4psc +25 days) Cargo=1 Backup Computer(3fib), Fuel Purif. and scoops Crew=14 Troops=8 (extra drive room space) Upgrade to J-2 drives: Cost: +MCr207.1 per conversion...
EF-E6358F2-400000-80008-0 MCr4,674.6 5,000 tons bearing 3 2 Crew=62. batteries 3 2 TL=12. Low=31. Cargo=71. Fuel=1900. EP=400. Agility=5. Marines=15. Notes: This is the standard light escort. It is used as an anti-fighter screening ship. This ship has a frozen watch. It has fuel scoops anda fuel purification plant.
| NAME: PIRAHNA CLASS DESTROYER ESCORT TECH LEVEL: 12 TONS:5000 | | DE-E6368F3-090100-08009-4 COST: MCr 9108.94 2 2 1 FEE: MCr 91.0894 2 2 1 80%COST: MCr 7287.152 EP: 400 CARGO: 69 FUEL: 1900 CREW: 109 MARINES: 30 FUEL PURIF. PLANT: YES FUEL SCOOPS: YES AGILITY: 6 EMER:6 |AUX. CRAFT: 4*BARRACUDA 1*PENGUIN |MISSILE BAY |100 |21 |DBL FUSION*20 |20 |80 |TRIP SNDCSTR*20 |20 |15 DD-Piranha II (TL13 Refit) DD-E6368G3-090300-90009-1 2 2 1 2 2 1
DD-E436AH2-A00608-D000A-0 MCr 5,832.774/4,666.2192 5,000 Tons Bat 1 1 3 TL14 Bat Bear 1 1 3 Total Crew=89 EP=512 Fuel=1047 Fuel Purification Plants(NH3) Agility=6 Scoops Drop Tanks Crew=64 Marines=25 2*Computers Low=92 2*Frozen Watch 1*90T Fighter 5*100T Bays Space and energy allocated for up to Model 9/fib and up to factor 9 Nuclear Damper. Added 1 fighter and crew to ship.
PF-A136CH2-A50000-D0007-0 MCr 2,333.332/1,866.67 1,800 Tons Bat 1 1 3 TL14 Bat Bear 1 1 3 Total Crew=36 EP=220 Fuel=397 Fuel Purification Plants(NH3) Agility=6 Scoops Drop Tanks Crew=27 Marines=9 1*100T Bay 32*Turrets(Multi Turret Mounts) Uses Multi Turret weapon mounts. Space and Energy allocated to use up to Model 9/fib. Removed 3 marines and raised armor factor back up to the original A.
FX-K9167H3-L00608-0000A-0 MCr 8,314.256/6,651.404 10,000Tons Bat 2 4 TL-14 Bat Bear 2 4 Total Crew=153 EP=722 Fuel=376 Fuel Purification Plants(NH3) Agility=6 Crew=139 Low=155 2*Bridge 2*Computers 6*100T Bays Marines=14 Space and energy allocated for up to model 9/fib and up to factor-9 Nuclear Damper. Carries 52 additional gunners for forward fire control duties. The Alliance may want to consider this ship as a replacement for the Berlins. It is undergunned for a 10K ton ship, but it can direct fire from up to 52 missile batteries firing from extended range. While performing that function, it has considerably more firepower than a standard 10K ton design. Added 18 Gunners to ship.
[ Traveller | Designs | High Guard Designs | Scout Service | Military Ships | Auxiliary & Merchant Ships ]
Designed by Dragoness Eclectic ©2000 | Last Updated: Dec 3, 2002 |