High Guard Designs

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Riders, System Defense Boats, & Other Carried Vessels

Capital ShipsEscortsRidersFightersFortifications


Serendip Thunderbolt Class Cruiser

C-2000 Thunderbolt   C-L2069E3-680106-40L09-0  MCr20,430     20,000 tons
     btty                       3   4 8 1 4                 Crew=235
     bear                       3   4 8 1 4                   TL=12
Cargo=15.  Fuel=7200.  EP=1800.  Agility=4.  Troops=100.  Fuel Scoops,

     The Thunderbolt-class Cruiser is shaped like a flattened cone, with
a large fin on the ventral side aft and extending a small distance above
the dorsal; it is fully streamlined, but cannot land.  It has two
bridges, each with a 5fib computer, and dampers.  It carries a 50t

     Ships of the Thunderbolt class follow several naming schemes.  Some
are named for destructive forces (Firestorm, Earthquake, Avalance, etc),
others for fast and/or powerful animals (Ram, Lion, Elephant, etc), and
some for stellar objects (Nova, Nebula, Quasar, etc).

     Number in service: 100.

Joyeuse/Serendip/New Colchis "Wyrm" class cruiser

CA P6068F3-850006-00Q08-0  MCr34,541.7  50ktons
            W   C   1 T                  TL 11
            Q   A   1 M                 Crew 637
Pass=0. Cargo=15. Low=322. Fuel=4000. EP=2400. Agility=5. Troops=0.

Streamlined.  Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer 5fib.  Backup Bridge.
1 carried Pinnace (Supplement 7 -- see below).

Joyeuse "Dragon" class cruiser

CA P6069F3-A50106-00Q09-0  MCr38,253,7  50ktons
            W   E   1 W                  TL 12
            Q   B   1 Q                 Crew 665
Pass=0. Cargo=0. Low=333. Fuel=4500. EP=4500. Agility=6. Troops=0.

Streamlined.  Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer 6fib.  Backup Bridge.

Joyeuse "Wyvern" class light attack cruiser

CL L606CF3-050106-00Q09-0  MCr20,558.2  20ktons
            8   2   1 8                 TL 12
            7   2   1 7                 Crew 277
Cargo=18. Low=0. Fuel=2400. EP=2400. Agility=6. Troops=0.

Streamlined.  Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer 6fib.  Backup Bridge.

Apparently, Joyeuse had a fire sale of these things, because nearly everyone in the Islands used them, including Serendip Belt, Colchis, and New Home.

St. Hilaire "Wyvern" Class SDB


CL L606CH3-000307-90Q0A-0  MCr18,601.7          20,000T       TL: C/E
Batteries:      6 5 1 4       Agility: 6       Crew: 255      EP: 2400
Bearing:        6 5 1 4     Fuel: 2400         Low Berths: 400

Frozen watch, Fuel scoops, Purifier, Backup bridge and computer.

12 based at St Hilaire.
Maintenance Cost: MCr 446.5/turn

New Colchis "Rampage" class battle rider

BR-N4069F3-B00100-06Q09-0    MCr42,665.1         40,000T       TL12
                   11 Z                          EP: 3435     Agil: 6
                   11 Y                        Fuel: 3435
                                               Crew: 437
     100 total

New Colchis "Tortoise" class battle rider

BR-L4058F3-A00100-06E09-0    MCr19,896.3         20,000T       TL12
                   11 G                          EP: 1635     Agil: 5
                   11 G                        Fuel: 1635
                                               Crew: 227
     250 total

New Colchis "Armadillo" class battle rider

BR-H4019F2-600000-00E00-0    MCr7041.9            8,000T       TL12
                    1                            EP: 685      Agil: 1
                    1                          Fuel: 685
                                               Crew:  92
       0 total

Neubayern/Topas "Berlin" class Battlerider

    BM-K6068F3-C00100-00009-0       MCr10,780.7  10,000 tons
bearing                   A         Crew=440.
batteries                 A         TL=12.
Low=220. Cargo=218. Fuel=800. EP=800. Agility=6. Marines=350.

Notes: This is a missile-armed battle rider. It normally operates in
groups of four, and with heavy fleet units. This ship has a frozen
watch.  It has fuel scoops and a purification plant.

Neubayern "Berlin (Series A)" class Battlerider

    BM-K6068H3-C00300-0000A-0       MCr10,755.6  10,000 tons
bearing                   A         Crew=440.
batteries                 A         TL=12(14).
Low=254. Cargo=218. Fuel=800. EP=800. Agility=6. Marines=350.

Notes: This is the Series A refit of the _Berlin_. At present, all
_Berlins_ in Third Fleet and Fifth PSF have undergone this refit, but
the remaining 80 will not be refit until after the war with the Belt.

Neubayern "Provence" Class Battlerider

    BS-L605AF3-890100-00L00-0       MCr21,798.3  20,000 tons
bearing         A       1           Crew=437.
batteries       A       1           TL=12.
Low=219. Cargo=36. Fuel=2000. EP=2000. Agility=5. Marines=250.

Notes: This battle rider's only offensive weapon is its particle
accelerator spinal mount. it always operates in company with Berlin
class riders. This ship has a frozen watch. It has fuel scoops and a
fuel purification plant.

Neubayern "Thunderbolt" class

Thunderbolt PF-A606MH2-600400-D0000-0   MCr1,393.6  1,000 tons
bearing                       1         Crew=30.
batteries                     1         TL=12(14).
Cargo=4. Fuel=110. EP=212. Agility=6.

Notes: This ship has no frozen watch. Has an NH3 fuel system. This ship
uses TL14 computer, nuclear dampers, fuel refineries, and armour.
Carries 5 ER missile controllers. Cost is MCr1,737.8 individually.

New Home "Reaper" Superheavy SDB TL 13

SDB2 - Reaper Class super-heavy SDB
CW-K416CG3-400300-00M07-0       TL 13   MCr 14,798.4    17,000 tons
Crew=181 Frozen=91 EP=1957 Agility=6 Fuel=3657 Nuclear missiles.

     Grim Reaper, Psychopompos, Angel of Death, Anubis, Odin, Valkyrie,
Hermes, Thanatos, Mictlantecuhtli, Prince of Annywn, Pluto, Hades, Hel,
Ereshkigal, Osiris, Yama, some Chinese dude, Arawn, some Finnish Dude,
Baron Samedi.

TL 14 refit: replace computer with 8fib,
               damper with Damper-6,
               spinal mount with Particle-S,
               sacrifice 1 Agil -> agil=5

New Home "Menelaus" class Rider/Superheavy SDB

Wyvern II TL13 refit Rider
CW-L606CG3-000307-00R07-0  20ktons  TL 12/13 refit
                A   1 6    refit cost 2220.4
                A   1 6    cost MCr 19,615.2 (for maint purposes)

Crew= 269. Cargo=169. Low=270. Fuel=2400. EP=2400. Agility=6.
Troops=100. Staterooms=194.  Frozen Watch=270.
Streamlined.  Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer 7fib.  Backup Bridge.
10 100-ton bays.  60 turrets. (1) up to 4500 ton spinal mount.

New Home "Menelaus" class Rider/Superheavy SDB (refit)

Wyvern III TL14 refit Rider
CW-L606CG3-000608-00R07-0  20ktons  TL 13/14 refit
                A   1 6    refit cost 322.789
                A   1 6    cost MCr 19,663.768    (for maint purposes)

Crew= 269. Cargo=169. Low=270. Fuel=2400. EP=2400. Agility=6.
Troops=100. Staterooms=194.  Frozen Watch=270.
Streamlined.  Scoops and Plant. Backup Computer 7fib.  Backup Bridge.
10 100-ton bays.  60 turrets. (1) up to 4500 ton spinal mount.

TL 14 refit: replace primary 7fib computer with 8fib, fac-7 repulsors
with fac-8, replace Nuclear Damper-3 with Damper-6

Sansterre "Reef" Class Cruiser

| NAME: REEF CLASS CRUISER     TECH LEVEL: 12           TONS: 30000
| PC-M9013F3-J00100-00L08-3  COST: MCr 22746.9
                      1 2                          FEE: MCr 227.469
                      1 2                      80%COST: MCr 18197.52
                                                    EP: 900
                                                 CARGO: 10
                                                  FUEL: 900
                                                  CREW: 368
                                               MARINES: 86
                                               AGILITY: 0  EMER:1
|50T MSL BAY*2

Sansterre "Thunderbolt" Class Strike Fighter (refit)

|  __   _____________   ___________   _________   _ *TL 13 REFIT*    |
| |FS|-|A|6|0|6|7|G|2|-|C|0|0|0|0|0|-|0|0|0|0|9|-|0|COST:MCr 1117.6  |
|   |   | | | | | | |   |   | | |                 | MAINT 89.408     |
|   |   | | | | | | |   | _ | | | _   _________ 80%COST:MCr 894.08   |
|   |   | | | | | | |   ||0|| | ||0| |0|0|0|0|1|<<|< BATTERIES       |
|   |   | | | | | | |   |   | | |                 |  BEARING         |
|   |   | | | | | | |   | _ | | | _   _________   |                  |
|   |   | | | | | | |   ||0|| | ||0| |0|0|0|0|1|<<|< BATTERIES       |
|   |   | | | | | | |   | | | | | |   | | | | |   |                  |
|   |   | | | | | | |   | | | | | |   | | | | |   |     EP: 70       |
|   S   T C J M P C C   H S M N F R   L E P M M   F                  |
|   H   O O U A O O R   U A E U O E   A N A E I   I     CARGO: 0     |
|   I   N N M N W M E   L N S C R P   S E R S S   G                  |
|   P   N F P E E P W   L D O L C U   E R T O S   H     FUEL: 70     |
|       A I   U R U       C N E E L   R G I N I   T                  |
|   T   G G   V   T     A A   A   S   S Y C   L   E     CREW: 22     |
|   Y   E U   E P E     R S S R F O       L G E   R                  |
|   P     R   R L R     M T C   I R     W E U S   S     MARINES: 59  |
|   E   C A     A       O E R D E S     E   N                        |
|       O T     N       R R E A L       A A   FUEL PURIF. PLANT: NO  |
|       D I     T         S E M D       P C                          |
|       E O                 N P         O C       FUEL SCOOPS: YES   |
|         N                   E         N E                          |
|                             R         S L       AGILITY: 6  EMER: 6|
|  AUX. CRAFT:                                                       |
|  SECTION:      |TONS:           |MCr:       |EP:       |FACTOR:    |
| BRIDGE         |20              |.1         |          |           |
| MD-6           |170             |85         |-60       |           |
| PP-7           |140             |420        |70        |           |
| 100T MIS BAY*1 |100             |20         |          |           |
| FUEL           |70              |0          |          |           |
| COMP MOD 7/fib |18              |100        |-7        |           |
| STATEROOM*43   |172             |21.5       |          |           |
| FUEL SCOOPS    |0               |1          |          |           |
| HULL CONFIG 6  |0               |80         |          |           |
| ARMOR 12       |260             |390        |          |           |
| CARGO FOR ARMOR|50              |0          |          |           |
| TOTALS:        |1000            |1117.6     |          |           |
| CREW:          |                |           |          |           |
| COMMAND*11     *CONVERSION COST: MCr742.2   |          |           |
| ENGNRG*5       *CONVERSION TIME: 30 WEEKS   |          |           |
| MARINES*59     |      ON THE NEW DESIGN.    |          |           |

Sansterre "Thunderbolt" Class Strike fighter


| |FS|-|A|6|0|6|7|F|2|-|C|0|0|0|0|0|-|0|0|0|0|9|-|  0 | COST: MCr 1308.6
                                                        FEE: MCr 13.086
                                                    80%COST: MCr 1046.88
                                              1         BATTERIES BEARING
                                              1         BATTERIES
                                                        EP: 70
                                                        CARGO: 0
                                                        FUEL: 70
                                                        CREW: 22
                                                        MARINES: 51
                                                        FUEL PURIF. PLANT: NO
                                                        FUEL SCOOPS: YES
                                                        AGILITY: 6  EMER: 6
| SECTION:       |TONS:           |MCr:       |EP:       |CREW:      |FACTOR:
|100T MIS BAY*1  |100             |20         |          |           |9

System Defense Boats

Joyeuse System Defense Boat

SDB 46068E2-A40000-30003-0   MCr331.16  400 tons
             1     1   1                TL 11
             1     1   1                Crew 16
Pass=0. Cargo=6. Low=0. Fuel=32. EP=32.  Agility=6. Troops=0.

Streamlined.  Fuel scoops and purification plant.

Serendip Sentinel Class SDB

SDB-0001 Sentinel  SDB-32069C1-700000-30002-0  MCr309      300 tons
     btty (all bear):                 1   1                  Crew=9
Cargo=38.  Fuel=27.  EP=27.  Agility=6.  Troops=0.  Pure.  Scoops.

      The SDB is another old design, with a heavily armored conical
hull.  The crew compartment inside is a sphere, perched on the drives
and surrounded by fuel.  The SDB can remain on station for four weeks,
longer if a supply of fuel is available.  It carries no small craft.

     Ships of the Sentinel class are not officially named, but
designated by number.  Many have acquired informal names over their

     Number in service: 3000.


        Replace computer with 6fib Computer.            91,3 MCr
        Replace 1 pulse laser turret with a              4,4  "
                fusion gun turret.
        Replace 1 pulse laser turret with a              2,475
                missile turret.

Refit time: 6 weeks.
Weekly cost:    MCr 16,36
With double yard space and 60% speed-up pay: MCr 52,36/week.


SDB-0001 Sentinel  SDBa-32069F1-700000-04003-0  MCr371      300 tons
     btty (all bear):                   2  1                  Crew=9
Cargo=29.  Fuel=27.  EP=27.  Agility=6.  Troops=0.  Pure.  Scoops.

Serendip Type PB Planetoid Battery

The Bulwark Class Planetoid Battery is meant to get as many missile batteries as possible into space as cheaply as possible. The other batteries are chiefly meant to absorb weapon hits, although they can of course be useful against small craft. The vessel is equipped with extra fuel tanks, giving it an extended duration of 5 months and, more importantly, increased resistance to fuel hits. Only one third of the planetoid is used. It is hoped that this will result in increased armour protection. If this turns out to be the case it will be possible to reduce the artificial armour used, thus making the Mark II battery cheaper.

BP-1 Bulwark    BP-J9011F3-?60108-65809-0      MCr1826  9.000 tons
     btty (all bear):       1   1 111 6                  Crew=103*
Cargo=10.  Fuel=540.  EP=108.  Agility=0.  Troops=30.

*Includes the 30 troops.

Command:  11 Engineering:    5 Gunnery:  35 Flight:         4
Support:  18 Troops:        30

Basic construction time: 132 weeks.

One prototype is to be produced with double yard space and +60% speed-
up pay. Additionally two hulls are to be produced with the same speed:
One with only +5 armour (cost: MCr 416,1) and one with only +2 armour
(cost: MCr 218,1).

St. Hilaire "Defender" class SDB

                                                       TL: A/D
EA-E4167G2-A70000-00009-0  MCr3957.4            5000T
Batteries:  3         4       Agility: 5          Crew: 54       EP: 303
fuel purifier                                                  Fuel: 803

12 based around the system.
Maintenance Cost: MCr 95.0/turn

Amondiage "Hardrock" class SDB

PB-P9011F3-600000-00009-0    MCr5958.8           50,000T       TL11/12
                      Z=50                       EP: 500      Agil: 0
                      Y=35                     Fuel:24000
                                               Crew: 288       Low: 288
backup bridge and computer.
     100 total

Amondiage "Hardrock II" class SDB

PB-P9011H3-600000-0000A-0    MCr6170.5           50,000T       TL11/14
                      Z=50                       EP: 500      Agil: 0
                      Y=35                     Fuel:24000
                                               Crew: 288       Low: 288
backup bridge and computer.
     0 total

Colchis "Iron" class planetoid destroyer

PD9 - A9028C2 - 600000 - 00602 - 0
                           1 1
1100 tons  MCr 780.8  Crew=25  Fuel=176 (2 months)
Cargo=12  Backup Computer 3fib  1x100 ton bay  Agility=2

"Rock" class planetoid missile destroyer

PDG9 - A9055C2 - 620000 - 00007 - 0
                  1           1
1100 tons  MCr 529.6  Crew=25  Fuel=176 (2 months)
Cargo=21 Agility=5  Backup Computer 3/fib  1x100 ton bay

"Mountain" class planetoid monitor

PM9 - L9033E3 - 660000 - 00B07 - 0
                 6         1 D
                 5         1 C
20,000 Tons  MCr8089.8  Crew=194  Troops=300  EP=600  Agility=0
Backup Bridge, Computer 5fib, 2x3/fib    Cargo=80  Fuel=1200 (2 months)
1x50 3x30 ton small craft  13x100 ton bays

PM10X - L9024E3 - 660000 - 00J07 - 0
                   6         1 D
                   5         1 C
(Z=30 Y=28)   Same Stats as above except:
EP=800  Fuel=1200 (6 weeks) MCr11,767.8
eXperimental vehicle (no discount)

Colchis "Zirconium" Monitor

BMN-9(13) Fuel Cell Monitor ("ium" class: Zirconium is class ship)
             Batt 15
             Bear 14
15,000 tons, Agility-5, fuel cell PP: no neutrino signature (stealthy?
8-), comp. 8fib w/ 7fib & 3fib backups,  Main & Aux bridge installed,
1500 tons LH/LOX fuel cell fuel (24 hour endurance), no crew facilities
installed (well, a couple of bunks and some freshers, but no
long-endurance facilities; this is a short-legged ship anyways), Crew
200, Troops 100, 15x50 ton bays (w/TL13 msl bays installed),
Mcr 5247 (Mcr 4198 in quantity)

Neubayern "Gibralter" class Planetoid Monitor

    PM-N9057F3-790100-00E09-0       MCr24,755.1  40,000 tons
bearing         5       1 S         Crew=437.
batteries       6       1 W         TL=12.
Low=217. Cargo=611. Fuel=2800. EP=2800. Agility=5. Marines=80.

Notes: this is a plantoid monitor, intended for system defense. The
_Gibralter_ class is mostly deployed in the Neubayern system, but these
monitors can be repositioned by _Rhine_ class tenders. This ship has a
frozen watch. These monitors have fuel purification plants, but depend
on other ships to scoop fuel.

New Home Petra Light SDB TL 12

SDB1 - Petra Class light SDB
PB-5906AE1-600000-4400-0 TL 12     MCr 451.5 500 tons
Crew=6    Staterooms=4 Agil=6 Fuel=43 tons  Pulse Lasers. Fusion Gun.

New Home Petra Light SDB TL 13 (not yet in service)

SDB1A - Petra Class light SDB
PB-5906BG1-600000-44000-0       TL-13   MCr 405.9       500 tons
Crew=6 Staterooms=4 EP=51 Agility=6 Cargo=10 Pulse Lasers. Fusion Gun.

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Designed by Dragoness Eclectic ©2000
Last Updated:  Dec 3, 2002