MegaTraveller Designs

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Capital ShipsEscortsRidersFighters

These small combatants operate alone or in small groups doing "Coast Guard" duties (customs cutters, traffic enforcement, anti-piracy patrols, convoy escort) or as escorts to capital ships (where they mostly shoot up other escorts and auxiliaries and maybe fighters).

Intrepid TL 15

Intrepid (one-of-a-kind light warliner).

CraftID: light warliner (FI), TL 15, MCr 818.74 (including fighters)

Hull: 630/1575, Disp=700 (900 w/vehicles), Config=7USL, Armor=40G,
	Unloaded= 8950 t, Loaded= 10370 t

Power: 	40/53 Fusion=7200 MW, Duration=30/90
	2/2 Fuel Cells=14.04 MW, Duration=3/9
	2/2 Solar Cells=7.65 MW, Duration=indef

Loco: 61/81 Jump=4 (for 900 tons), 104/139 Maneuver=4 G Thrusters (for 700
	tons), Agility=4

Commo:  Radio=Far orbit x2, Laser=System x2, Maser=System x2

Sensors: EMMasking(900 t), ActiveEMS=far orbit x2, EMS Jammer=far orbit,
	PassiveEMS=Interstellar x2, Densitometer=HiPen/1km x1,
	Densitometer=LoPen/250m x1, Neutrino Sensor=10 kW x2,
	ActObjScan=Rout,ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout,
	PassEngScan=Simple, PassEngPin=Rout

Off: Hardpoints=6,


Def: Def DM +14

Control: ECP, Computer=9(fiber-optic)x3, Panel=Hololink x48, Special=HeadUp
	HoloDisp x1 &. HeadUpDisp x2, Environ(4250 kl)=BasicEnv, BasicLS, ExtLS,
	GravPlates, Inertial Compensators, Airlocks x10

Accom: 5x6 (Cc = 2, Cb=2, Ce=1, Cm=0, Cg=0, Cf=12, Cs=2, Cd=1), Staterooms=20,
	LowBerth=4, EmergLowBerth=2, HighPsg=9, SubCraft= 4 x Deziror FHs
	(carried externally), 2 x Hurakan II (armed)air-raft, 1 x G-carrier

Other: 	Cargo= 135 kl, Fuel= 5200 kl, FuelCell Fuel=13.5 kl,
	Fuel Purifier=100 kl/hr, missile magazine= 12 kl(120 missiles),
	ObjSize=Average, EmLevel=Faint
	Made In Darrian

Grey Ghost Class Fast Intruder TL 15(16)

Grey Ghost Class Fast Intruder

A highly experimental spy ship and covert raider; the "experimental" part is the TL 16 Model 10 Computer. The Grey Ghost uses a 1G Low-Power Low-G drive for maintaining station, and 6G thrusters for combat, once discovered. The primary powerplant provides enough power to run the LPLG drive, life support, sensors, commo, and the sandcasters, and is small enough to avoid detectable emissions; the large secondary powerplant is kept at warm stand-by by a trickle from the primary powerplant; it is fired up in case of combat and provides power for the thrusters and the weapons.

  CraftID: Grey Ghost class Fast Intruder, TL15 (16), MCr 502.521 + cost
          of vehicle (no discount)
     Hull: 720/1800, Disp=800, Config=6SL, Armor=40G, Unloaded=9286 t,

    Power: primary Fusion=396 MW, Dur= 700  ( 0.198 kl/hour)
           secondary Fusion=13,355 MW Dur= 20  (6.876 kl/hour for both)
           Closed Fuel Cells=11.56 MW Dur=30,
           Solar Cells=8.418 MW Dur=indef

     Loco: Jump 4, primary Maneuver=1G LPLG,
           NOE=190kph, Cruise=750 kph, Max=1000 kph, Agility=0
           secondary Maneuver=6G,
           NOE=190kph, Cruise= 750 kph, Max= 1000 kph, Agility=6

     Comm: Radio=System x3, LaserComm=System x2, MaserComm=System x3

  Sensors: EMM, EMS Active(Far Orbit) x3, EMS Passive(Interstellar) x3,
           High Pen Densitometer(1km), LoPen Densitometer() x2, Neutrino
           Sensor(10kw) x3, ActObjScan=Routine, ActObjPin=Routine,
           PassObjScan=Routine, PassObjPin=Routine, PassEnScan=Simple,

      Off: Hardpoints=8

           BeamLaser=xx4      Fusion=x05
           Batteries   2               2
           Bearing     2               2

      Def: DefDm (primary) +11 (secondary) +17

           Batteries    4
           Bearing      4

  Control: Computer Mod10*3, HeadUpHolo x2

    Accom: Crew=5 (2 bridge, 1 engineer, 2 flight),
           Staterooms=2, SmallStateroom=1,
           Env=Basic env, basic ls, extended ls, Grav plates, inertial comp,
           Airlocks x2

    Other: Fuel= 6030 kl (1 J-4 + 700 primary/20 both or 2 J-4 + 132 primary/
           3.8 both),
           Cargo=7 kl, Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (33kl/hr), Subcraft=20t
           Scout Launch, ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel= (primary) None/ Faint (both)

Thirz Ueghzgi Class Corvette TL 13

Thirz Ueghzgi Class Corvette TL 13

A fighting ship of the Thirz Empire (Thirz Uerra) in Gvurrdon Sector. The Thirz have very few yards capable of capital ship construction, but quite a few yards capable of producing good ships under 5000 tons. One of the mainstays of the Thirz Navy is the Ueghzgi Class Corvette, a fast maneuverable escort-size ship with heavy missile armaments. Unlike the escort, she is not used as a support vessel in a cruiser squadron, but is organized into squadrons of her own type and used as the primary offensive vessel of the Thirz Uerra. Weak Vargr Corsairs have a marked dislike for the ship, as it is deadly as an opponent, but does not carry enough cargo to be useful as a lone corsair. Strong Vargr Corsair bands are very fond of its firepower and survivability in fleet actions; loot-hauling is for freighters.

It is also known for its incredibly cramped accomodations; "hot-racking" is the norm on this vessel. It is said that on this ship, Frozen Watch is a desirable assignment because they get a whole low berth to themselves. Needless to say, sharing a stateroom rather than a bunk is a sign of charisma; ranking officers who share full-size staterooms are always high- charisma Vargr. In spite of the accomodations, the Corvette is considered a charismatic assignment; she's a deadly fighting ship. Only high-performance fighters and the few Thirz capital ships are considered better (more charismatic) assignments.

CraftID: Thirz Ueghzgi Class Corvette, TL= 13, MCr 2623.064
     (with discount) MCr 2098.451 (std price) MCr 2549.718

Hull: 2700/6750,Disp= 3000, Config= 4SL, Armor= 52F
    Unloaded= 66916 tons, Loaded=  70470 tons

Power: 489/978, Fusion= 66000 MW,
    Duration= 7 days @Full Maneuver, +23 @1-G, +3 for weapons
     1/2, Solar = 16.30MW, Duration=indef
     3/6, Fuel Cells = 54.86MW, Duration= 1.0

Loco: 459/918,Jump= 3, Maneuver= 6G Thrusters, Agility= 5

Commo: Radio=System x2, LaserComm=System x1, MaserComm=System x1,

Sensors: EMMasking, ActEMS=FarOrbit x2, PassEMS=Interstellar x8,
    Neutrino=100kw x2, Densitometer=HiPen/100m x2, EMSJammer=FarOrbit x1

Off: Missiles=x90

Def: DefDM=+12
    Repulsors=x7x, Sandcasters=xx9
               1                 1
               1                 1

Control: Computer=Model 7x3, Panel=Dynalink x575, Special= HeadUpHolo x10
    LargeHoloDisp x1, Environ=BasEnv, BasLS, ExtLS, Grav, Inertial Comp,
    Airlocks x5

Accom: Crew= 54 (Cb=7,Ce=11,Cc=7,Cg=7,Cs=1,Cd=1,Cfz=15,Ct=20)
    State=2 SmState=10 Bunks=15 Low=15
    SubCraft=50 tons

Other: Cargo= 2427 kl, Fuel= 16099 kl, Fuel Cell fuel= 35 kl,
    Fuel Purifier= 31.000 kl/hour, Fuel Scoops,
    ObjSize=Large , EmLevel=Faint

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Designed by Dragoness Eclectic © 1999
Last Updated:  Dec 3, 2002