MegaTraveller Designs

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Civilian Ships

Free/Far TradersMerchantsLinersMerchant CruisersYachtsSmall Craft


Free Traders

Type A Regni Yards Free Trader TL 12

CraftId: Regni Yards Type A Free Trader, TL 12, MCr 23.631

Hull: 180/450, Disp=200, Config=2SL, Armor=40E,
    Unloaded=2822.251 tons, Loaded=4348.136 tons

Power:     2/4, Fusion = 180MW, Duration= 30/90
    1/2, Fuel Cells = 1.836 MW, Duration = 3/9
    1/2, Solar Cells = 4.209 MW, Duration = indef.

Loco:     4/8, Jump = 1, 9/28, Maneuver = 1G Low Power HiG
    Cruise = 750, Top = 1000, Agility = 1

Commo: Radio = System

Sensors: ActiveEMS = Far Orbit, PassiveEMS = Interplanetary x2,
     ActObjScan = Rout, ActObjPin = Rout, PassEngScan = Rout

Off/Def: 2 hardpoints, Def Dm= +3

Control: Computer=1x3, Panel=DynaLink x246, Special=HeadUp Disp
x1, Environ= Basic env, BasicLS, ExtLS, Grav Plates, Airlock x5

Accom: 2x2( Cb=2, Ce=1, Cs=1), 8 staterooms, 4 LowBerths, HiPsg =
6, LowPsg=4

Other: Cargo=1502.078 kl, Fuel=340.088 kl, Purifier=33.333
kl/hour, Scoops=540 kl/hour, ObjSize=Average, EMLevel=Faint
-- Cynthia C. Higginbotham

Type A2 LSP Far Trader TL 13

This is a redesign of the standard Type A2 Far Trader, with an eye toward actually making money!

CraftID: Ling Standard Far Trader, Type A2 , TL= 13, MCr 30.204
      (with discount) MCr 24.163, (std price) MCr 35.921

Hull: Disp= 200, Config= 4SL, Armor= 40E
     Unloaded= 1249 tons, Loaded=  2460 tons

Power: Fusion= 200 MW, Duration= 30
      Solar = 4.21MW, Duration=indef
      Fuel Cells = 2.18MW, Duration= 3.0

Loco: Jump= 2, Maneuver= 1G LPHG
     NOE=  kph, Cruise=  kph, Top=  kph
     Agility= 0

Commo: Radio= far orbit x2, LaserComm=System x1, MaserComm=System x1

Sensors: , ActEMS=Far Orbit x1, PassEMS=Substellar x1, Neutrino=100kW x1,
     Densitometer=LoPen/50m x1


Def: DefDM=+2

Control: Computer=Model 1bisx3, Panel=Hololink x15, Special= HeadUpHolo x1
     Environ=BasEnv, BasLS, ExtLS, Grav, Inertial Comp, Airlocks x4

Accom: Crew= 4 ( x ) (Cb=2,Ce=1,Cs=1)
      State=10, Low=4 (LowPsg=4, HighPsg=8)
     SubCraft= 1x 4-ton

Other: Cargo= 1176 kl, Fuel= 485 kl, Fuel Cell fuel= 4 kl,
     Fuel Purifier= .111 kl/hour, Fuel Scoops, ObjSize=Avg , EmLevel=Faint

Economic Notes:     Profits= Cr 2,710,957 per annum

Revenues (Cr per annum)         Expenses (Cr per annum)
High pass      2000000          Fuel             77874
Middle Pass          0          Life Support    160000
Low pass        100000          Annual maint     24000
Cargo          2178531          Berthing          2500
Mail                 0          Salaries        103200
                                Bank payment   1200000
Total          4278531          Total          1567574

Type TC(S) Free Trader TL 15

Commentary: This Free Trader is based on the assumption that spec-trade is where the money is. They do not carry passengers (since passengers can hijack your ship, or otherwise make nuisances of themselves). It is built as cheaply as possible (which, oddly enough, means they are TL15). And it is designed for minimum operating expense (so fuel purifiers are part of the ship, even though it raises the cost slightly). The power plant does NOT have to operate at full output unless necessary (if you dislike that assumption, then split it into a 125MW plant (for housekeeping), and a 280MW plant (for M-drive)). Specifically, the M-drive does NOT have to operate during the 7 days in jump.

And this is my equivalent of the standard Traveller Free Trader, not what we use in our campaign (which tend to be bigger, sometimes a LOT bigger).

CraftID:  Free Trader (Steve's), type TC(S) (Trader, cheap, Steve's),
          TL15, MCr27.75
   Hull:  Disp = 200, Config = 4SL, Armor = 40G
  Power:  Fusion = 405MW, Duration= 30/90
   Loco:  Maneuver = 1, Jump = 1, Agility = 0
  Commo:  Radio = Far Orbit, Lasercomm = System
Sensors:  Passive EMS = Interplanetary, Active EMS = Far orbit
    Off:  None
    Def:  None
    NOTE:  There is sufficient power for a pair of missile racks or
sandcasters, if you want them, and if you can pay for them.
Control:  Computer = 1bis x 3, Panel = HoloLink x 75, Special =
      HeadsUpHoloDisp x 1, Environ:  basic env, basic ls, extend ls,
      grav plates (these last two do not extend into the fuel
      tankage.  extended ls does not extend into the cargo hold).
 Accomm:  Crew = 3(Bridge = 2, Engineer = 1), Stateroom = 4
  Other:  Cargo = 1890, Fuel = 390, ObjSize = Average, EmLevel = Faint,
          Fuel refinery = 40 Kl/6 hours, 1 Airlock

"What? no coke machines in the cargo space?? No toilets there, either??? Outrageous, young man! I will speak to your supervisor about this!" :-)

Note that there are an excessive number of control panels, so that you can add things onto the ship without having to rebuild the controls at the same time.

Note that if the rules did not require a crew of three as the absolute minimum, the ship could be run by one man quite easily. One of the big differences between this and *our* "free traders" is that we design ships that are as large as possible while still requiring only three men on the crew. For this model computer, that's about twice this size, with the engineering crew the limiting factor.

Fuel assumptions: J-1, plus housekeeping for 30 days, plus M-drive for 22 days.

Monthly Note: Cr115,625. Fuel costs per jump: (less than) Cr2,889. (Note that you buy unrefined fuel and refine it yourself. You DO NOT skim gas giants!!! That cuts the number of jumps per year from 25 to 16, and only saves you KCr72 per year, maximum.). Operating in the classic Traveller fashion, this ship will make 25 jumps per year, bringing in a MINIMUM (assuming Freight, not Cargo) of MCr3.5, with operating expenses of MCr1.577 (assuming skill-3 crewentities, plus maximum fuel expenditures), thus your net is MCr1.923 per year, with an initial investment of MCr5.55 (you recover your investment after 3 years, worst case).

Assuming that you have enough to put down for a standard free trader (MCr7.38), you'll have MCR1.83 left over after putting down on one of these. This should be sufficient to get you started in spec trade. It also should be sufficient to rent 500T of warehouse space on the four worlds you hit most often, and hire brokers to buy cargos for you whenever they become available on these worlds (to be stored in your warehouses). This has one amusing effect: you no longer have to wait one week for your turnovers on these worlds. So now you can make a jump-cycle in 9 days instead of 14, and make up to *40* jumps per year, with the expected increase in your gross. And since the Note is the majority of the operating expenses, your net will increase all out of proportion to the increase in your gross. Good Trading! ---Steve

Type A3 Trojan Reaches Trader TL 12

Essentially a stretch A2 Far Trader, this Trader is manufactured by several shipyards in the Trojan Reaches.

CraftID: Trojan Reaches Trader, Type A3, TL= 12, MCr 55.386
      (with discount) MCr 44.309 (std price) MCr 64.691

Hull: Disp= 300, Config= 4SL, Armor= 40E
     Unloaded= 2089 tons, Loaded=  3922 tons

Power:  Fusion= 400 MW, Duration= 30
       Solar = 5.15MW, Duration=indef
       Fuel Cells = 3.93MW, Duration= 3.0

Loco: Jump= 2, Maneuver= 2G LPHG
     NOE=  kph, Cruise=  kph, Top=  kph
     Agility= 0

Commo: Radio=FarOrbit x2, LaserComm=System x1, MaserComm=System x1

Sensors: ActEMS=FarOrbit x1, PassEMS=Substellar x1,
     Neutrino=1MW x1, Densitometer=LoPen/1m x1


Def: DefDM=+4

Control: Computer=Model 3x3, Panel=Dynalink x100, Special= HeadUp x3
     Environ=BasEnv, BasLS, ExtLS, Grav, Inertial Comp, Airlocks x4

Accom: Crew= 4 ( x ) (Cb=2,Ce=1,Cs=1)
      State=10 Low=4 (LowPsg=4, HiPsg=8)
     SubCraft= 1x 4-ton

Other: Cargo= 1780 kl, Fuel= 752 kl, Fuel Cell fuel= 8 kl,
     Fuel Purifier= 40 kl/hour, Fuel Scoops,
     ObjSize=Avg , EmLevel=Faint

Economics:  Profits = Cr 2,755,344 per annum

Revenues (Cr per annum)         Expenses (Cr per annum)
High pass      2000000          Fuel            115971
Middle Pass          0          Life Support    160000
Low pass        100000          Annual maint     44309
Cargo          3296768          Berthing          2500
Mail                 0          Salaries        103200
                                Bank payment   2215444
Total          5396768          Total          2641424

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Designed by Dragoness Eclectic © 1999
Last Updated:  Dec 3, 2002